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Q: When did Georgia remove the confederate flag from it's state flag?
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What state have the Confederate flag in their current flag?

Mississipi and Georgia

In 2004 people of what state voted to adopt a new flag?

The people of the state of Georgia voted in 2004 to adopt a new flag. The new flag design removed the Confederate battle emblem that had been previously featured on the state flag since 1956.

Why did the Georgia state flag change in 2001?

The Georgia state flag used from 1956-2001 featured a Confederate Battle flag, which some Georgia residents found offensive due to its contemporary use as a symbol of white supremacy. From 2001-2003 a redesigned flag was used, but was ranked the worst in a survey of North American flags. A new flag was drafted in 2003 and is still in use today.

When was the Georgia flag adopted?

The current Georgia flag was adopted on 8 May 2003. It is the sixth flag to fly over that state. The longest flag in use featured the Confederate Battle flag whose symbolism was the subject of much controversy.

Why is there only 13 stars on the Georgia flag mean?

There are only 13 stars on the Georgia flag because its design was based on the original Confederate flag. The number of stars symbolized the state's inclusion as one of the Thirteen Colonies.

Which state was the confederate flag flown in?

mexico city(:

Why is the confederate flag so constroversial?

Much of the controversy comes from misunderstandings. First, what flag do they have issues with? Most people when asked what the "Confederate Flag" looks like would point to a red banner with a blue cross corner to corner with 13 stars in the cross. Some people even refer to this flag as the "stars and bars" because it has white stars on blue bars. Both of those beliefs are FALSE! The flag that most people think of as the "Confederate Flag" is the Confederate Navy Jack (rectangular flag) or the Confederate Cavalry or Artillery flag (square flag). There were three (3) official flags of the Confederate States of America and this flag was NOT one of them. The Confederate Stars and Bars (first flag of the Confederate States of America) looks nothing like the Confederate Navy Jack or Cavalry flags. Take a look at Georgia's state flag. Except for the state seal in the circle of 13 stars, that is the first flag of the Confederacy, the "Stars and Bars." The second point: Some will say that the "Confederate Flag" stands for slavery or racism. Others will say that the "Confederate Flag" stands for rebels and "red necks." The association of the "Confederate Flag" with controversy may have begun with "white supremacy" movements of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) founded in the Southern States in 1865 by Confederate veterans.

Should Georgia keep the Confederate flag in the Georgia state flag?

This is a very subjective question but I would say yes. I'm from Mississippi and they have the confederate flag in theirs. People have wanted to take it out of there too. I would disagree with that action because it's become a valued symbol of southern heritage. Some people would say it stands for oppression and racism, but ultimately it's how one perceives it.

What year did the latest flag pass as the Georgia state flag?

The current Georgia Flag was adopted om 8 May 2003.

Is the confederate and Mississippi state flag the same?

One of the last Confederate battle flags and the current flag of Mississippi are very, very similar.

What state flew the confederate flag first in 1861?

alabama :)

Is banning the rebel flag going against the first amendment?

Yes, the federal government cannot pass a law that infringes upon a person's right to free speech -- and displaying the confederate flag is a form of free speech. However, a government CAN remove images of the confederate flag from government property (i.e., redesigning state flags that include the stars and bars, etc.) Since the confederate flag has racist connotations, it would not be unreasonable for states to remove the confederate flag from statehouses and other government property. Private citizens could still fly the confederate flag exactly the same way that they are still allowed to display swastikas without government interference.