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Jackie Chan became famous in the US with the release of Rumble in the Bronx. Although his movies were very popular amongst fans of Martial Arts movies, the movies were only available as bootleg / pirate copies through video outlets in places like China Town.

When Rumble in the Bronx was released mainstream moviegoers suddenly 'discovered' Jackie Chan. Quentin Tarrantino was very influential in motivating for Jackie to get the Lifetime Achievement Award from MTV in 1995 and that cemented his fame in the US.

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10y ago

Jackie Chan has never migrated or emigrated or immigrated anywhere. He has lived in the US and Australia, temporarily calling them 'home' but has never had citizenship of Another Country besides Hong Kong / China.

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10y ago

Jackie Chan has never migrated or emigrated anywhere. He has lived in the US and Australia, temporarily calling them 'home' but has never had citizenship of another country besides Hong Kong / China.

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12y ago

Jackie Chan came to America in the early 80's

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the early 80's

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early 80's

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