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Q: When did Ptolemy create the map of the world used by Columbus?
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What was Ptolemy's major contribution to science?

Claudius Ptolemy developed the mathematical astronomy used in Christian and Muslim countries up until the 16Thcentury. Christopher Columbus and Magellan used Ptolemy's version of the world map during their voyage, but they did not know it was incorrect, thus not ending up where they planned to be. He found the position of over one thousand stars.

How is Christopher Columbus a humanist?

Christopher Columbus was a humanist because he used Ptolemy's maps and that is why he believed that he had gotten to Asia because nobody had told him that the Earth was round. Christopher Columbus was a Individualist Because he followed his own path and the outcome of that is America and many other countries around

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Was Columbus the first to discover that the world was round?

No. All educated Europeans understood that the world was round and Columbus used that knowledge to propose reaching China by sailing west.

Which explorer used magnetite to help him find the new world?

christopher Columbus

What were the names of Columbus' three ships he used to get to the New World?

Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria

What were the name of Columbus' ships?

The Nina, The Pinta, The Sainta Maria

Who proved christopher Columbus was wrong about the land?

Columbus was right about the world being round.

Who first used atlas to describe a collection of maps?

Most historians credit Claudius Ptolemy, a geographer who lived in Egypt, with publishing the first atlas.Taken from The World Book Encyclopedia.

What is the contribution of ptolemy in the field of trigonometry?

Ptolemy created the earliest tables of trigonometry functions that were found. His mathematical methods have been used to solve problems in astronomy.

How do you pronounce Cleopatra's fathers name?

Cleopatra was a throne name used by nearly all the Greek queens of Egypt. the Cleopatra who was involved with Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony and was the last queen of Egypt before the Roman takeover, is known to the modern world as Cleopatra VII. Her father was Ptolemy XII Auletes. Ptolemy was the throne name used by most of the kings of Egypt from the death of Alexander until the Romans took over. The correct pronunciation of Ptolemy would be as if spelled in English as Tol-em-me.

When did Ptolemy create the map of the world?

This is a cylindrical map projection. It is a standard map for nautical purposes because it represents lines of constant course, called Rhum Lines, as straight segments. This is precisely the type of route employed by ships at sea. Compasses are used to indicate geographical direction and to steer the ship. The projection was presented by Mercator in 1569