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After the events in Return of the Jedi.

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Q: When did The Glove of Darth Vader take place?
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When does anakin turns into Darth Vader in Star Wars the clonewars season 4?

He doesn't. Anakin turns into Darth Vader in Revenge of the Sith and The Clone Wars take place before Revenge of the Sith

Who is more famous Darth Vader or Jackie Chan?

It is a matter of opinion... Try to take a poll and find out

What song might have been dedicated to Darth Vader?

According to the Poptropica clue for "Spin For Riches" (Game Show Island, 2011), the song would be "Every Breath You Take" (Vader's mechanical respiration being a prominent audio effect in Star Wars).

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In Star Wars, what is Darth Vader's real name?

He first appears under the guise of Darth Vader in the original film trilogy; Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi and the subsequent prequel films present Anakin Skywalker, a conflicted Jedi Knight who falls to and returns from the dark side of the Force. Before his fall to the dark side, Vader fathers both Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa; Luke ultimately redeems his father in Return of the Jedi, and Anakin sacrifices himself to save his son.

Who would win Han Solo or Chewbacca?

Darth Vader has beaten him in Empire Strikes back and it would take him 6 minutes to beat him since Luke sees how the force works. But it eventually got to the part where Vader cut his hand off. Darth Vader would win.

Who is the Jedi who defeats Darth Vader and the emperor?

The Jedi who defeats Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker. Luke however, later being tortured by Darth Sidious, was able to convince his father, Vader to reject the Dark Side. Vader then killed Sidious. However, Sidious, using his mastery of the Dark Side of the Force, was able to return in spirit form and take over the bodies of his many clones. After his last clone was killed however, Sidious was killed by Jedi Knight Empatojayos Brand, who forced Sidious to take control of the Jedi's body before dying and taking the Sith Lord to be one with the Force.

Can you get the Executor in Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption?

Yes, the Executor can be obtained in Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption by playing as the Empire faction, researching the Super Star Destroyer technology, and then building the Executor-class Star Dreadnought. It is an incredibly powerful and iconic unit in the game.

May the force be with you?

Halloween has to be one of the most fantastic seasons each and every year. If you don't quite agree with that statement, then it's possible that you've never really experienced all that Halloween can offer. The truth is that many people don't pick the right costume for their Halloween celebrations. With the help of Darth Vader costumes, however, you'll definitely take your Halloween experiences to a level you never thought possible. Darth Vader costumes are one of the most time-tested costumes available today. They never go out of style no matter how many years pass. The stunning quality of Darth Vader costumes is unmatched by most other costumes. Darth Vader is one of the coolest characters in the history of the entertainment industry. The iconic villain of the Star Wars movies, Darth Vader just exudes supreme confidence. There's no reason to believe that that confidence won't rub off on those who wear the Darth Vader costume. In addition to all of the confidence, the Darth Vader costumes allow whoever is wearing them to have free movements. A Darth Vader costume won't restrict your movement like other costumes do. You don't have to worry about going to a dance and not being able to dance comfortably. Darth Vader costumes are a symbol of the incredible influence Star Wars has had on our culture. Star wars movies are some of the most heavily-quotes movies in existence, and their lore and legacy are still growing. As the dark figure of Star Wars, Darth Vader represents the bad boy image that men want to have and women want to be around. There's nothing more attractive to some women than the animated figure of a confident, evil villain. The Darth Vader image is one that can work for a variety of men as long as they are willing to overcome their fears in social settings, if they have any fears. The reasons that Darth Vader costumes are such great choices is that they never lose their appeal and that they are very durable. You can count on the fact that Darth Vader costumes will always look great and will always be appreciated. They'll also not be worn down easily, and they won't get ruined easily, either.

What is the answer to the Spin for Riches clue 'Maybe this song was dedicated to Darth Vader' on Game Show Island?

The answer is "Every Breath You Take" (Police, 1983) because of the mechanical ventilation device that lets us hear Vader's breathing.

Did luke turn in to dark Vader?

It could be argued both ways. But directly he did not. He convinced his father to come back to the good side. When he did Darth Vader killed the emperer. That caused Darth Vader to die because it was only through the emperer's power that he was being kept alive. He was injuring by lava in his fight against obi whan. So when he killed the emperer Darth Vader died. So technically nobody killed Darth Vader he just died. However it also could be argued Luke is to blame. If he had not convinced Darth Vader to come back to the light side of the force he would not have died.

Did Rogue One take place before Return of The Jedi?

Rogue One was before all three of the second trilogy - it showed how the plans to the death star got into Princess Leia's hands. It happened just before her ship got boarded by Darth Vader.