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1984 (Ronald Reagan)

The only places that didn't vote for Reagan in 1984 were Walter Mondale's home state of Minnesota and D.C., which has only voted for the Democratic Party throughout its presidential voting history.

(Wisconsin also voted for Reagan in 1980.)

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7y ago

The last time Washington State voted for a Republican for president was in the Election of 1984. In that election, 49 states voted to re-elect Ronald Reagan. Only Walter Mondale's home state of Minnesota and the District of Columbia voted for Mondale.

Here is a complete list of Republican presidential candidates for whom Washington State voted:
1892 - Benjamin Harrison
1901 - William McKinley
1905 - Theodore Roosevelt
1909 - William Howard Taft
1921 - Warren G. Harding
1925 - Calvin Coolidge
1929 - Herbert Hoover
1952 - Dwight D. Eisenhower
1956 - Dwight D. Eisenhower
1960 - Richard M. Nixon
1972 - Richard M. Nixon
1976 - 8 votes for Gerald R. Ford; 1 vote for Ronald Reagan
1980 - Ronald Reagan
1984 - Ronald Reagan

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6y ago

Washington has consistently voted for the Democratic Party candidate since 1988. In 1984 Washington voted for Republican Party candidate Ronald Regan.

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7y ago

1984 was the last time a Republican candidate for president won the state.

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