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Well, it depends what your definition of computers are. During World War 2, radar and other resources like that were used. But The "PC" we know today- Originated around the 60's-70's, and the technology really took off in the late 90's due to Bill Gates, Netscape, and all of the internet pioneers who worked countless hours improving the PC and the internet especcially.

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the first electronic computers were analog computers and appeared in the 1930s, but I don't have exact date.

the first electronic digital computer was the ABC which was finished in 1942.

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12y ago

There is no real correct answer, as there are many things considered as computers, and there are many kinds, and not everything is documented in history.

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First computing device?

ENIAC(Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)

What device was technicaly the first computer?

the first electronic digital computer was the ABC (Atanasoff-Berry Computer) finished just before WW2.

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First you need to able to distinguish between electronic device and and computerize device. Electronic devices are device that needs power source (electricity) for operation. While a computer is an electronic device that accept data, process data and give an output base on the received input. Not all electronic devices are computer with the below key points. A computer have input unit, processing and output unit which other electronic devices do not have this features. A computer must be able to accept instructions, eg your mobile phones, calculators can accept instructions so they are computer because they have an input method. While an electronic device does not have any input method like your radio. You radio only need a power source to transmit sounds via electromagnetic waves, it doesn't have input, output nor processing unit

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i can do every thing. first we can do web designing and core hardware and c++

Was the abc computer invented in 1942 or 1939?

Atanasoff Berry Computer ( ABC ) was the first electronic digital computer device conceived or invented in 1937-38 and was first demonstrated in October 1939 and was not successfully tested until 1942.

What is the fulform of ENIAC?

Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer, was the first general-purpose electronic computer.

How is the electronic computer different from the first computer?

Electronic computer is may faster and smaller than the first developed computer. Electronic computers today uses small electronic devices and integrated circuits. Long time ago they use vacuum tubes which are huge.

Who invended the first computer?

Charles Babbage invented the first electronic computer

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what could the first ever computer actually do?

Was the first computer made of electrical circuits?

The first electronic digital computer was.

Where was the first computer build at?

The answer depends on how you define a computer. Konrad Zuse built the first electronic computer at Berlin, Germany The first electronic computer in the US was built at Ames, Iowa by John Atanasoff.