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Q: When did it first develop for Islam?
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How did Islam civilization first develop?

This first began in the city of Makkah. There was a prophet named muhammad and he developed the Islam civilization.

Islam first developed on the Italian peninsula?

Islam did not in fact first develop on the Italian peninsula. It first arose in its distinctive form in the 7th century CE (or, AD) within the Arabian Peninsula in what is now known as Saudi Arabia.

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nubia and ethiopia

Who was the first Mu'adhin in Islam?

The first Mu'adhin in Islam was Bilal ibn Ribah, and he was the first African convert to Islam.

What time did Islam develop?

Islam was developed by God; the Creator; be start of universe creation and even before. refer to question below.

What is the first queen in Islam?

There are no royalties in Islam.

Who was the first person to believe in islam?

Of course prophet Muhammad is the first person who believed in Islam per Quran revelation to him by God.After the prophet;The first man believed in Islam is AbouBakrThe first boy believed in Islam is Aly Ibn Abou TalebThe first woman believed in Islam is Khadija (the first prophet wife)wife

Which pray was The first pray of Islam and who performed it?

which pray was the first pray in Islam and who performed it and where.

What was the name first battle of Islam?

battle of Badar is the first battle that took place in islam

Who were the first people to develop calendar?

mayans develop the first calander