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In the early 1960's there existed a term called the Sino-Soviet split. The Peoples Republic of China and the Soviet Union saw the world from different perspectives, and these were seriously different ones that drove a wedge between communists on a world wide scale. The Soviet Union was criticized for its policy of detente' with the West. More specifically, the charge from the more radical leftist Marxists, such as Mao Tse Tung, accused the USSR of "selling out " to the West.

In public documents, this war of words and near armed conflict, was made as public as can be. No party, nation or individual dispute the documents that were published by various communist parties on a world wide basis. Any informal telephone discussions or meetings between the various communist leaders can be documented.

With all that said, NS Khrushchev made it clear to China just exactly what the policy of "peaceful coexistence" meant in 1963. Basically, the Soviets, under NS Khrushchev defined this policy as basically one that had several important ideas. Here is a summary of these ideas:

* peaceful coexistence does not imply conciliation between socialists and bourgeois nations;

* peaceful coexistence does not mean that the principles of Marxism-Leninism has been cast away;

* Soviet policy recognizes that capitalist and imperialist forces are trying to undermine the growth of socialism;

* Soviet policy recognizes that that there is an ongoing and serious set of policies that separates the socialist world and the imperialist world; and

* Within the imperialist world, the working classes are in a struggle with their governments, and Soviet policy is to encourage this movement without a resort to outside armed forces.

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