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Taxes became mandatory in America in 1913 with the federal income tax. The 16th Amendment of the US Constitution enacted the federal income tax.

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Q: When did paying taxes become mandatory in America?
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Related questions

Is paying taxes a duty or a responsibility?

is paying taxes a duty or a responseibility

Can you sell car as private person without paying tax?

No. Taxes are mandatory.

What is mandatory deductions?

state taxes, federal taxes, and local taxes.

How do you be eligible to not pay taxes in America?

You become a GE.

Which is a duty of American citizen?

paying taxes

Which is one guarantee of US citizenship?

You cannot promise to become a U.S Citizen. You have to be born in the U.S to be an actual citizen. If you were born in another country, you are not a citizen. Besides that, if you were living in America for at least 13 years, you must pass a test in order to become one.

How do hairdressers get away with not paying taxes?

They should be paying the taxes they are due to pay and if they are not doing this then they will eventually be caught, the back taxes will be collected and they will be punished for not paying the taxes due.If you believe someone is committing a criminal offence you should report this to the police.

Why did the Revolutionary War Begins?

The people that were born lived and worked in America were of the opinion that they were paying too much to the British government in taxes.

Can you witheld Medicare contribution from your check?

No; Medicare taxes are mandatory.

is paying social security mandatory?

Paying Social Security taxes is mandatory, however. Even if your income exceeds the means testing limits, you are still required to pay Social security (FICA) taxes on the income that falls beneath it.So, it is quite better to have the Social Security earnings statement as it will give a better, easier, comfortable, less-dependent life after the retirement.Social security my account describes it is the best way why to have it as retirement savings. So, have it and make your happy days, even happier.

How did Incas pay taxes?

The Incas payed their taxes by paying taxes on the land they worked on.

How do you become responsible and productive citizens?

, I was told that a productive citizen is someone who is working and paying taxes. By paying taxes you are contributing to the city and state where you live, which in turn makes you a productive citizen. Key word to remember is "Productive"; This word means to produce or (make). There fore you are making money for your city and state by paying in taxes. I really hope that I explained this well for you. Sincerely, CStidham