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When katuka hun shot the great boar of the west & killed the mobikis w/ his fist, then showed columbus his bloody fist & saved all humanity when the indians faught the pilgrims & the pilgrims won using guns

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Q: When did people start using guns to kill animals?
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Why people get shot by guns?

They don't. They are shot by PEOPLE that are using guns.

What are guns maid for?

Guns are made to kill people and animals. MistroJoe

Why do people use guns for animals?

Food is one.

When does the doctor get the most angry?

When people die, or when people start using guns. The Doctor also gets very angry with Daleks, and when his companions are being threatened.

When did they start letting people use guns?

well along time ago people were aloud to use guns for hunting. one day someone discovered that if it can kill animals then it might kill humans. so he murdered a human. and then he got arrested and then police officers used against criminals and then No one was aloud to use guns

How guns disrupture peace?

Guns do not disrupt the peace. However, people using guns improperly can, by threatening to harm, or harming other persons.

Why do some people think its cool to carry guns and be a criminal?

People think that guns are good because to carry around because of people of they see people using them on tv or movie/films of people & postors of people with guns thinking that they are cool.

How did poaching start in Africa?

Men with big guns started killing protected and endangered animals illegally for profit.

What did the native people supply the french?

they supplied boats, guns, horses, men, and animals to protect them.

How are animals poached?

Poaching means hunting or trapping illegally, especially out of season or on posted land. Poaching is done by hunting down animals, catching or shooting them, trapping them in cages, or snares. People poach animals by using spears or guns. It is illegal when it is on private land, and if you don't have the proper tags.

Why are guns helpful?

Guns are helpful because when a wild animals tries to attack you fiercely and aggressively, that's the tool to fight back so the wild animals gets killed. ================================================================= They are not helpful = they are used to hurt other people.

Why people make guns to harm people?

Because it's simpler and more efficient that using the blunt or sharp objects that people have been using for thousands of years.