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Shortly after it was discovered in Mexico in March 2009.

The first cases in the US were discovered in March and early April in two people, one in Southern California and one near San Antonio, Texas.

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13y ago

The first cases in the US were discovered in March and early April, 2009 in Southern California and near San Antonio, Texas.

The 2009 Influenza A, Novel H1N1 "Swine Flu" was first detected in Mexico City and was made public March 18, 2009. This new strain of virus has been tracked back to a child from a small village in Mexico (where there was close proximity to hog farms) as the probable first infected individual.

The village was La Gloria, a small town in southern Mexico. La Gloria has about 3,000 people, and it is now believed the first human cases of the Novel H1N1 Influenza probably started there. The first known person to have contracted the 2009 H1N1 Influenza was a young boy named Edgar Hernandez from La Gloria. He survived the virus.

Although a particular pig farm in Mexico was thought to have perhaps had the first case of the flu among pigs, the Mexican government tested and found no evidence of that at the farm. It is now believed that the first case among pigs was more likely at a farm in Texas.

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To date, there are no confirmed cases of the swine flu in Pennsylvania. The only confirmed death in the US was in Texas.

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God didn't send swine flu, it mutated from strains of pig, avian and human flu. Also, it's hardly a plague on mankind. In the time since it came about, more people have died from normal human flu than swine flu.

Is the Swine Flu in Idaho yet?

Yes, during the swine flu H1N1/09 pandemic, the virus spread to every state in the US and every nation in the world.

Where can you get a Swine Flu shot?

In the US in the 2012-2013 flu season, the H1N1/09 swine flu vaccine is included once again in the "regular" trivalent and quadravalent vaccines that have been prepared for the seasonal flu. No separate vaccination is needed.

Is it necessary to get the Swine Flu shot every year?

That will only be needed if a new mutation of the swine flu occurs that the current swine flu vaccine isn't able to prevent. In the 2009-2010 flu season in the US two shots were need, the regular seasonal flu shot and the H1N1/09 Swine flu shot. But in the current 2010-2011 flu season in the US, the seasonal flu vaccination contains the vaccine for swine flu in addition to the other varieties of flu that are expected to be circulating. So only one shot is needed this year for protection in the flu season.