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479 BCE.

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Q: When did the Greek army crush the Persian army at Plataea?
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What happened during battle of plataea?

The southern Greek alliance led by Sparta defeated the Persian expeditionary army and its Greek allies.

Who won the land Battle of Plataea?

An alliance of southern Greek cities led by Sparta, which defeated the invading Persian army and its Greek allies.

What was the action in the Plataea battle?

A coalition of Greek city-states fought the invading Persian army and its Greek allies outside the Greek city of Plataea in 479 BCE. The defending Greek army of armoured foot soldiers kept to the rough ground to negate the Persian cavalry, then engaged and defeated the unarmoured Persian infantry. At the same time a Greek fleet swooped on the remnants of the Persian fleet at Mycale and captured it. This combined action ended the invasion of mainland Greece by the Persian king Xerxes.

What signaled the end of the battle of plataea?

Retreat of the Persian army.

Who won in the thermomopylaen war?

It was the Battle of Thermopylae in the Second Persian War. The Greeks won. Shortly after Thermopylae the Athenian Navy defeated the Persian Navy at Salamis, and in the next year the Persian Army was defeated by a combined Greek Army at Plataea.

Why was the battle of plataea so important?

After the Persian navy had been defeated in 480 at Salamis, the Greek cities were able to concentrate and defeat the Persian army, ending the invasion of peninsular Greece.

Which is the best battle to do assignment on Plataea Salamis or Thermopylae?

Salamis was the crucial battle in repelling the Persian invasion, as destruction of the Persian fleet ended the threat of a Persian amphibious invasion of the Greek city-states, who kept their armies at home to protect their cities, allowing the Persian army to pick them off one at a time. When the Persian fleet was destroyed, it enabled the armies to concentrate the following year and defeat the Persian army at Plataea. Destruction of the Persian fleet also stopped it being able to protect the resupply ships which sustained the Persian army, and as a result half of the army was sent home as it could not be sustained during the coming winter, which made the Greek armies' task easier at Plataea. Plataea was a straightforward battle where Greek armoured soldiers fought the unarmoured Persian in rough country where their cavalry could not support them and was a straightforward victory. Thermopylae was a holding action to force a sea battle to destroy the Persian fleet. The sea battle failed and the Greek force was withdrawn, with a touch of heroics by the Spartan and Thespian contingents protecting the withdrawal and dying in the process. Take your pick.

How many soldiers did the Persian army have at the battle of plataea?

Ancient sources give a wide range of figures. The most realistic is 90,000 plus 40,000 Greek allies.

What was the significance of the Battle of Plataea?

The Persian navy was defeated at Salamis and Mycale which removed that threat. The Persian army defeat at Plataea which finally collapsed their invasion of Greece when the land threat was also removed.

What was the significance of battle of plataea?

The Persian navy was defeated at Salamis and Mycale which removed that threat. The Persian army defeat at Plataea which finally collapsed their invasion of Greece when the land threat was also removed.

Why was the battle of Plataea a turning point of the Persian war?

The turning point was the defeat of the Persian fleet at Salamis the year before, which saw the naval threat to the Greek cities ended and enabled them to send their armies to Plataea to unite instead of being kept at home trying to defend their cities, and half the Persian army sent home as there was no food for it in the winter without a fleet to supply it. Plataea saw the defeat of the reduced Persian land force and ended the invasion.

Why was Salamis significant?

The southern Greek navies combined to defeat the Persian navy, removing the amphibious threat to the city-states and allowing them to combine their armies and defeat the Persian arm the following year at Plataea. It also disrupted the Persian sea supply line, casing them to send half their army home, helping to facilitate the land victory at Plataea.