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Never. The Mormons moved to Utah and set up their own government for awhile, until the federal government took control, but the Mormons never tried to take over the US government. That would have been so impossible that the thought probably never came up. A group of 50-60 thousand (including children) living 2,000 miles from Washington D.C. at that time would never dream of such an undertaking.

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Q: When did the Mormons in Utah try to take over the US government?
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How long did it take the Mormons to get statehood?

"Mormons" are not a state, they are a religion. The Mormons have never been granted statehood, and doing so now would be near impossible as Mormons are scattered all over the globe and come from many different nations.The Mormons did once apply for statehood with the state of Deseret, a large area that covered much of what is now Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, and Nevada. This was not granted by the federal government, who instead drew the state borders we have today. Mormons are credited with postponing Utah's statehood with their practice of polygamy. Mormons abandoned polygamy in 1890, and Utah was finally granted statehood in 1896.

Why did the Mormons come into conflict with the US government?

When the Mormons faced persecution from local governments in the mid-1800's, they sought protection from the federal government. When the US government would not help, the Mormons saw no choice but to leave the United States for what was at the time a remote corner of Mexico.The Mormons felt betrayed by their country and began to establish their own colony only to have the territory become a part of the United States a few years later as a result of the Mexican-American war. President James Buchannan felt that the Mormons were committing treason and might be hostile against the United States, so he sent the army to quell the "rebellion". The Mormons felt threatened by the military presence and fought against it in a mostly nonviolent way, such as stalling their supply trains.In coming years the US government would install their own appointed leaders to take over Utah territory, although the Mormons had already established their own government. The US government then passed laws against Mormon religious practices, denied Mormons rights to vote, took away Mormons ability to hold political office, and took away property owned by the Mormon church.Today, Mormons have had their constitutional rights to vote and hold political office restored. They are known for drawing on their history in working to protect the free practice of religion and preservation of rights for all faiths. In recent years this has meant providing and advocating support for refugees and campaigning against equal rights laws that inhibit free exercise of religion.

What are the religious rules for the Mormons of Utah?

About 15% of the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) live in Utah (2 million Mormons in Utah and 15 million Mormons total). All Mormons, regardless of where they live, believe in the same religious commandments and moral guidelines. Mormons follow the Ten Commandments found in the Old Testament: worship God only, no lying, no adultry (sex outside of marriage), no murder, no stealing, no coveting, honoring parents, keep Sabbath day, do not take Lord's name in vain. They also follow the "Word of Wisdom" which is a health code prohibiting the consumption of alcohol, coffee, tea, tobacco, and illegal drugs. Mormons also follow guidelines which outline appropriate dress, dating relationships, and other moral standards.

When was BYU-Utah established?

The first BYU vs Utah game was in 1922. Utah domiated until LaVell Edwards came along, and BYU started to take over.

How long would it take to travel from coorado to Utah?

One step. Since they share a border, just one step over the line from Colorado to Utah.

Why did Missourians try to deny Mormons the vote?

Missourians tried to deny the Mormons the right to vote because the Missourians worried that the Mormons would all vote the same and sway the politics or elect their own candidates and take over the local government.

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that communists would take over the us government. (apex)

How were Mormons treated?

If you are referring to how "Mormons" have been treated as a group in history: The Mormons (LDS or The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saints) were forced from city to city throughout the 1800s including by mobs and even a state extermination order. The Mormons then moved to the area now known as Utah, after moving to Utah the US Government sent solders to remove the Mormons or take over their land but ultimately changed their minds after the Mormons threatened to burn down their own buildings and a harsh winter.ANOTHER ANSWER: I am assuming that you mean, 'Treated at a doctors office.' Well doctors treat Mormons like anyone else. Doctors prescribe medicines. Have you get X-rays and have blood and urine tests. Sometimes Mormons are 'TREATED' to a free event. My son (Mormon) was treated to a concert with a free ticket.You use the word 'TREATED'. No indication of where or when. The dictionary have these examples of 'TREAT':To discuss terms of accommodation or settlement.To deal with a matter especially in writing.To pay another's expenses.To deal with in speech or writing.To present or represent artistically.To deal withTo bear oneself forward.To regard and deal with in a specific manner.To provide with free food, drink, or entertainment.To provide with enjoyment or gratification.To care for surgically or medically.To act upon with some agent especially to improve or alter.

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