

When did the Union Army win Vicksburg?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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Pemberton's Confederate Army surrendered unconditionally to Grant's Union Army on July 4,1863.

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Q: When did the Union Army win Vicksburg?
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Who won Vicksburg was it the union or the confederate army?

The Union Army.

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Who lead the union army at Vicksburg?

Ulysses S Grant

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Ulysses Grant

What did the union win for the Battle of Vicksburg?

The Union won complete control of the Mississippi River Valley.

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The vicksburg Campaign convinced Lincoln that Grant was the right man to lead the whole Union Army.

What could the union army do after the Battle of Vicksburg that was a result of their victory?

Go to the aid of the Army of the Cumberland at Chattanooga.

Who was the two groups involved in the Battle of Vicksburg?

The Union Army of the Tennessee attacked the Confederate Army of the Mississippi.

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What advantages did the union army gain after defeated the confederate army in the Battle of Vicksburg?

Complete Control of the Mississippi River.