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Q: When did the United states join the allies in World War 1?
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What caused the United States to join the Allies in fighting World War 1?

the Germans' use of unrestricted submarine warfare

What threat encouraged the us to join the allies in World War I?

I honestly dont know. We will do further research into the topic. ;)

What was Franklin Roosevelt position on world was 2 before pearl harbor?

He wanted to help the Allies. Answer: He wanted the United States to join the war against Germany. He wanted to supply the Allies with weapons.

Was it a good idea for US to join world war 2?

Yes, because our allies were getting badly attacked, and if we didn't help them, later on in another war, our allies wouldn't help us. And secondly, the Japanese bombed us, so that gave the United States a good reason to join WWII.

What led the united states into joining World War 2?

the bombings on pearl harbor gave a valid reason for america to join the war which they were going to do sooner or later because england and france were their allies

When did the United States officially join in to World War 1?

January 3330

When did the United States join World War 1?

April 6th, 1917

What year did the United states join World War 2?

YES hope

What year did united States join world war 2?

YES hope

What caused tha US to join tha Allies in fighting World War 1?

The Germans' use of unrestricted submarine warfare against the merchant and passenger ships lead to the United States joining allies in WWI. The US had not a chance fighting the Germans alone.

What year did the United states join Britain an France in World War 2?


What successes in 1942 gave the allies hope of winning the war?

The Japanese bombed the United States causing them to join the war. The Allies gained a very powerful allie in the War when U.S.A came in