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It was the usa who joined the allies in 1917 (and not the other way around).

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America was attacked by Germany. America never joined the allied alliance but the allies needed americas help because the entante was easily defeating them. America entered the war and was easily able to beat the central powers alone but the Allies wanted to join with america and look like they were able to win the war even though the allies had very little way to beat germany and the central powers, and it took america easily steam rolling the entante to save the allies.

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Q: When did the allies join the us side in ww1?
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Why did the us join the fighting on the side of the allies during ww1?

the central powers were taking a lot of countries over and when the us joined it was in 1917 because they were tired of being an isolationist.

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No country attacked the US before they joined WW1, but the US's allies such as France and Britain were attacked and at war with Germany, so the US decided to support their allies and join the war. The sinking of the British/ American ship "The Lusitania" was a trigger for the US to join the war.

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because you have to know it

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USA was on the Allies.

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Yes, although officially neutral the US government covertly supported the Allies from the start . They formally entered the war on the Allied side in 1917.

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The main allies of the US in World War 1 were Britain, France, and Canada. Mexico refused to join because of tensions over the US occupation of Veracruz, Mexico.

Outline the alliances formed in the First World War compared to the World War 2?

Britain, France, Russia & the US are common to the Allies in both WW1 & WW2. They are opposed by Germany in both wars. In WW1 Italy & Japan were both on the side of the Allies, in WW2 they were on Germanys' side. Turkey was on the side of Germany in WW1 & Neutral in WW2. Austria/Hungary was on the side of Germany in WW1 & were also on Germanys' side in WW2, (although it might be said by force rather than choice.) although they were then 2 separate countries.

When did Us join ww1?

the united states joined in 1917, ww1 started in 1914.!!

What happened to bring the US into WW1?

Zimmerman note: said that Germany would promise a few states to Mexico if they join the war on there side

Was the french on the us side in ww1?

Yes in WW1 and WW2 the French were allied with the US.

What are at least 5 allies in ww1?

us,great britain,france,russia