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By World's Finest, I trust you mean the Chicago company that makes candy for schools and organizations to use as fundraisers? I am not sure how long ago they changed their bar size, but I believe it has to have been in recent years. I bought some from someone the other day and they seemed rather skinny compared to the last ones I purchased.

Chocolate bars have been shrinking for decades. Originally this was to prevent having to raise prices on the candy, but over the last 40 years the price has consistently risen while the size has fluctuated. The latest ploy in the chocolate game is aerated chocolate, or chocolate bars filled with air bubbles. The net weight of the candy is less while the dimensions of the bar itself is greater, and the price is about the same if not slightly higher.

When I was young, you could get a one ounce bar of chocolate for a nickel. But the bar sizes began fluctuating before I hit my teens.

I nteresting to note is that the Hershey Bar rose from 3 to 5 cents in 1921 and stayed at that price until 1969. It took 74 years for the price of a Hershey Bar to rise from 5 to 50 cents, but since 1995 the price has tripled in a little more than 15 years. The most Hershey's chocolate you could get for a nickel was in 1930, during the Great Depression, when the bar size was increased to 2 oz. Today that nickel bar of chocolate, half an ounce smaller than the Depression size, will cost you almost $2.00!

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