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Q: When did the first probe transmit from mars?
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What was the name of the first mars space probe expeditions that did not land on mars?

The first probe to land on Mars was called, the Hubble space craft.

What was the name of the first spacecraft to land on mars?

First ever satellite to land on the planet Mars was a Russian probe called Mars 2. Albeit it did not land but crashed. The first successful probe to land on Mars was Mars 3 sent by the Russians, however the probe was operational for 15 minutes after landing on Mars. The first American probe to land on Mars was the Viking 1 on the 20th of July 1976.

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First space probe to orbit mars?

The Mariner 9.

What was the name of the first mars space probe expedition that did not land on mars by the us?

viking 1

What was the first mobile robot probe to explore mars?

Sojourner, in 1997.

When was the first spacecraft launched to Mars?

The US and the Soviet Union made several failed attempts to launch a spacecraft to Mars. The Soviet's Mars 1 was the first spacecraft successfully placed on a course toward Mars. It was supposed to do a fly-by. Contact with it was lost while on the way -- it may have passed near the planet. The US spacecraft Mariner 4 completed the first confirmed Mars fly-by on July 14, 1965

When did the mars viking program start?

The first probe was launched on the 20th of August 1975

What is the first landing site for a Mars probe to land on Mars?

known by my knowledge it is mars 2 c'OS mars 1 did not have successful landing both of them are probes of the soviet union

What is the name of the Grand Canyon of mars?

Valles Marineris, after the Nasa Mariner space probe that first imaged this huge scar on Mars

What spacecraft observed Mars?

A space probe is a scientific space exploration mission in which a robotic spacecraft leaves the gravity well of Earth and gathers information about other bodies. So a satellite is also a sapce probe. There are many such probes. The first probe was Mars1 Mars2 was the first probe to actually land on Mars. The other probes that have landed on Mars are Mars3, Mars6, Viking1, Viking2, Pathfinder, Spirit, Opportunity, Phoenix. Check the related link for a full list