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Q: When did the silk road trade flourish under the gupta empire?
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He extended Gupta rule to India's west coast, which made more trading. Gupta rule was at the apex of it's grandeur prospering in agriculture, crafts and trade. The Gupta's let people have wealth and business, which made it a better economy.

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Trade flourished under the Abbasids at first because they moved the capital of the Muslim empire to the newly created city of Baghdad in central Iraq in 762. The city was located on key trade routes that gave the caliph access to trade gold, good, and information about.

What is which empire is described as the golden age classical Indian culture?

India's golden age lasted from roughly 320 to 550 CE under the Gupta Empire. The Gupta Empire covered much of what is modern India.

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The Classical Age refers to the period when most of North India was reunited under the Gupta Empire (ca. A.D. 320-550)

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Why did trade flourish under the Abbasid's?

Trade flourished under the Abbasids at first because they moved the capital of the Muslim empire to the newly created city of Baghdad in central Iraq in 762. The city was located on key trade routes that gave the caliph access to trade gold, good, and information about.

Under whose rule in the Gupta Empire did India experience great wealth and cultural achievement?

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