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Q: When did the us airforce gain its independence?
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Gain independence for Cuba.

What did the US gain its independence?

Great Britain.

Who helped Cuba gain their independence?

The US fought Spain for Cuban Independence.

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The US never had control of Rumania

What country did the US gain its independence?

Great Britain.

How did America gain independence?

the constitution and bill of right allowed US to gain independence from the UK during the revolutionary war these were signed in philladelphia

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When did US officially gain its independence?

September 3 1783

What port did the US gain from Cuban independence?

Guantanamo Bay

When did the Philippines gain independence from the US?

July 4, 1946

What did the U.S gain its independence from?

The US gained its independence from tyranny and oppression. From Britain, and the kings and queens that controlled them.

Who did the US gain independence from in the late 1700s?

In 1776, the American Colonies delcared their independence from Great Britain.