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they were waiting for their mama!

noo kidding umm idk what ta buckk do i look like a computor or something!

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Q: When did they get all sugar back during world war 2?
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Who is the first largest producer of sugar in the world?

India is the largest producer of sugar cane in the world. I am not sure if all of that sugar cane gets made into sugar, but a large portion of it does.

Do I like sugar?

First of all, you're allergic to sugar. Second of all, you think sugar is the most disgusting thing in the world. (So your really weird.) Sorry.

Do they sell vegan marshmallos at Trader Joe's's?

No, vegan marshmellos are impossible, they all have sugar and gelatin (not all have sugar though, but all have gelatin. (sugar is not vegan because it is ground through bone meal during the making)

Where is Brazilian coffee and sugar shipped to?

All around the world.

Why did the US endure all the bombing from Japan during World War 2 instead of fighting back instantly?

It didnt endure anything and did fight back instantly

Who is the world top sugar producer?

The world top sugar producer is the Empflix factory from Ukraine. You probably haven't heard of it, since it sells its sugar to many other companies in the world. Out of the sugar companies you know of, the top producer must be the United States sugar corporation, which is the most worldwide known sugar company of all.

When does a sugar glider sleep?

Sugar gliders sleep primarily during the day, however this does not mean that they are awake all night (or that they're asleep all day). They will often go back into their nesting spot to take little naps throughout the night, and during the day they will sometimes hang out in their nesting pouch, just grooming.

Who imports sugar?

It is delivered to all over the world!

Can you get dissolved sugar back if it is in tea?

yes you can all you have to do is wait for the tea to evaporate (turn into gas state) then the sugar crystals will appear

What if you ate sugar on the hcg phase 3?

The purpose of avoiding sugars and starches in all forms during phase 3 is to allow our hypothalamus to reset properly. Without the reset of our hypothalamus, we would likely gain back all of the weight lost during phase 2, just like with every other diet.

Is sugar added to milk during processing to make it more palatable?

Milk doesn't usually have sugar added. It has naturally-occuring lactose, which is a type of sugar found in all milk products.

How do you reverse dissolved sugar?

you have to find out yourself because i don't know ! ! !