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Q: When do border terrier's first come into season we have a male and female from the same litter nearly 6 months old so we need to know when they first come into season thanks?
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What is a reproduction of a border collie?

Border collie are in heat every 6 months. If they become pregnant,Their term is 65 days. They can have as many as 11 pups in a litter.

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Female American Staffordshire Terriers (Pit Bull Terriers) come into season once every six months and it lasts for 10-14 days.

How long do pregnant border terriers carry for?

Dogs of all breeds gestate (are pregnant) for approximately 3 months, give or take a few days either way.

Are Boston terriers good with dogs?

Well Yes they are. I have a female and she is almost 7 months. She gets along with my other dog . But she tends to try to take things from him . Which she uses her female way to get the stuff, and its cute !

How long before a female dog will go into heat again if she just had a litter?

Females go into heat every five to nine months. So five to nine months after her last heat she will go into heat. The litter should not affect her next heat cycle.

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You should wait 3-4 months until breeding again. If the female breeds too often (litter after litter) it will shorten her life span.

When does an English bull terriers ears stand?

After a few months/

Your lab started losing hair after she had pups What could be causing this?

This is normal for a female dog to loose her hair after having a litter, it generally happens about within one to two months after a litter is born and after they stop nursing. Don't worry she won't loose all her hair and it will grow back thicker and more beautiful, just make sure you have her on a good healthy diet. I have been raising Border Collies for over 16 years and it happens every time after one of my dogs has a litter.

How soon after a litter of kittens should a cat have another litter of kittens?

About 4 to 6 months. A mother cat will have a litter and about 3 months later will go into heat and get pregnant. Two months later she will have another litter. A mother cat shouldn't have too many litters in her life it will wear her down and the stress could kill her.

Male kitten about 4 months old and a female kitten about 5 months old I haven't gotten them spayed or neutered when should I expect a first litter of kittens?

You can expect pregnancy within 6 months. Whenever the female cat goes into heat. Also the pregnancy will take from 60-70 days. Good luck with your kittens!

How oftern do staff bull terriers come in to heat?

Every 6 months.

What is the length of a female canine heat?

21 days-every 6 months if small dog can depend on size as well but the rule of thumb is every 6 months lasting 3 weeks and usually the 12 th,13th and on your female can get pregnant so if you don,t want this better to spay a myth is the female does better after a litter not so its just a myth.