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White vestments are worn on the following occasions : * Christmastide (from Christmas Day to the Baptism of the Lord) * Easter season * Holy Thursday * Feasts of Our Lord other than of His Passion * Feasts of Our Lady * Feasts of the Angels * Feast of St. John the Apostle * Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul * Nativity of St. John the Baptist * Feast of All Saints * Feasts of Non-martyred Saints * Weddings * Baptism

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When they are serving Mass.

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Q: When do catholic priests wear white robes?
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What did Catholic priests wear under their robes in 1875?

Roman Catholic AnswerClerical garb appropriate to their era.

Which Catholic priests wear white?

Roman Catholic AnswerReligious priests who wear white habits include Cisterians, Carthusians, and Dominicans. All priests wear a white alb over whatever else they have on when they start dressing for liturgical celebrations. Over that they wear a white chasuble for Christmas, Easter, and feasts of the Our Lord, Our Lady, the angels, and saints who are not martyrs.

Do protestant bishops wear catholic bishops robes?

No. Because they might have diffrent religions. As an example a bishop will wear a suit and a catholic bishops will wear robes.

Does a lutheran priest wear a white collar like catholic priests?

Yes, they generally do.

Is there an order of priests that wear white robes with the hood up as they enter the sanctuary - altar area?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe group that comes to mind would be the Carthusians, the strictest order in the Catholic Church. The Carthusians are an order of Hermits. Their "monasteries" consist of collections of hermitages, and they come together for several Offices a day. They wear white robes and often have their hoods up. I have included a link to their website (below). Their Order has changed little since the twelve century.

What colours do the priests wear in each season for catholic mass?

green, white, red and purple

What color robes do priests wear during Confirmation?

Catholic priests do not wear robes when administering the sacrament of confession. Usually they wear a surplice, which is a white long-sleeved linen garment that extends just beyond the waist, and a purple stole. The purple stole is considered so important that even when in prisons or in times of extreme persecution, priests hid a purple stole on their persons, even if it was no more than a purple thread, for use when hearing confessions.

What are changes to the life of the priests?

They cannot get married and have to wear special robes to show they are a priest.

Green robe on priest has what meaning?

.Catholic AnswerCatholic priests never wear green robes, however, they wear a green chasuble over their alb during Ordinary Time. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, green, the hue of plants and trees, bespeaks the hope of life eternal.

Why do lawyer's wear a black coat and doctor's wear white coat?

The black robe signifies 'the law' ... whereas a white robe 'healing' or purity. All judges wear black robes as they are the final word laying down the laws. Some priests and pastors also wear black robes as part of their undergarments, which signify their authority to inform believers of the laws of the church.

What kinds of robes do women wear in Italy?

Women wear robes in Italy for formal and informal situations. Informally, their most common robes are before and after the bath, and for the beach. Formally, they wear choir robes for singing, graduation robes for degree ceremonies, judicial robes for court and other related legal work, and teacher's robes in some cases. If they aren't Roman Catholic Church communicants, then they may wear priestly robes.

What is a judicial robe?

Roman Catholic AnswerHis house robe, or street wear is called a soutane, or a cassock. The white robe that he wears over that for the Sacraments is called an Alb.