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Q: When do guppies reach sexual maturity?
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What is the sexual maturity of a Salamander?

After metamorphosis, salamanders reach sexual maturity at one year.

When do Wistar rats reach sexual maturity?

They achieve it at 100 days of maturity.

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They reach sexual maturity at 5-6 years old.

When does a wallaby reach sexual maturity?

Male wallabies usually obtain sexual maturity at 2 years of age. Females, however, obtain sexual maturity a few months before that.

At what age do frogs reach sexual maturity?

Depending on the species, frogs take 1 to 5 years to reach maturity.


is the period during which adolescent reach sexual maturity

How long does it take for a monkey to be fully grown?

Varied by monkey type. It takes about 6 years for Capuchins monkey to reach sexual maturity. Macaques reach sexual maturity around 3 or 4 years old. Squirrel monkeys are tiny monkeys from Central and South America. They take about 1 ½ years to reach sexual maturity.

What is the sexual maturity of a tom cat?

Hi there...cats can reach sexual maturity between 5-7 months of age. Male cats should be neutered before they reach sexual maturity to avoid instinctual urine spraying. Spraying which has been ongoing for a length of time then it becomes habitual and difficult to stop.

How many baby saltwater crocodile reach sexual maturity?

All that are alive

When do coral reach sexual maturity?

Between 5 and 7 years of age.

When do male great Pyrenees reach sexual maturity?

18 to 24 months