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It is recommended that all women of child bearing age take prenatal vitamins.
If you are trying to get pregnant and haven't started taking them, you should start taking them now.

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Q: When do pregnant women start taking prenatal vitamins?
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Women Should Take Organic Prenatal Vitamins To Protect Their Babies?

Prenatal vitaminsWomen who are planning on getting pregnant or are already pregnant should take organic prenatal vitamins. Prenatal vitamins are important to take before, during and after pregnancy because they contain important ingredients such as folic acid.Women Must Take Organic Prenatal VitaminsAlthough most experts recommend that women take prenatal vitamins before getting pregnant, experts also urge women who are not taking prenatal vitamins to start taking organic prenatal vitamins as soon as they learn they are pregnant. Women who take prenatal vitamins have the added reassurance of knowing they have the proper nutrients in their body.Women Should Take Organic Prenatal Vitamins That Have Folic AcidWhether a woman is planning on getting pregnant or is currently pregnant, women must make certain that they are taking an organic prenatal vitamin that contains folic acid. Folic acid is the main ingredient in prenatal pills that helps prevent neural tube defects. Women who do not take folic acid put their unborn child at risk for a spinal cord defect known as spinal bifida. Babies born with spinal bifida are born with an exposed spine.Women Should Supplement Their Meals With Organic Prenatal VitaminsEven women who eat well each day should make certain that they are supplementing their diet with organic prenatal vitamins that contain folic acid. Although organic prenatal vitamins contain other beneficial ingredients, folic acid is one of the main ingredients that helps make certain that babies are born strong and healthy. Although many foods contain folic acid, doctors warn that eating well-balanced meals may not be enough to prevent birth defects. As such, all pregnant women should take organic prenatal vitamins that contain folic acid.Women who are planning to become pregnant or are of child bearing age should take an organic prenatal vitamin to make certain they have the proper level of nutrients in their system at all times. By taking organic prenatal vitamins before, during and after a pregnancy, women will have the added reassurance of knowing that they have taken the steps to deliver a healthy and strong baby.

Is it safe to take prenatal vitamins if you're not pregnant?

If you are trying to get pregnant then yes, start prenatal vitamins right away. You don't have to wait until you get pregnant. Talk to your doctor and he/she will be able to get you started and answer any questions you should have.

How soon should you seek prenatal care?

Once you are pregnant you should start prenatal doctor visits. Early in the pregnancy, the doctor will prescribe you prenatal vitamins.

What should I do if I think I'm pregnant?

Take a pregnancy test. You can buy one at the supermarket or chemist or get one done at the doctor's surgery. If you are pregnant you need to see a midwife so that she/he can make sure the baby is growing normally and everything Start taking prenatal vitamins ASAP, stop smoking and drinking if you do that, and see a doctor right away to confirm it and start giving you prenatal care. If you are taking birth control pills, you need to stop taking them until you know you're not pregnant

If you are eating a lot all of a sudden are you pregnant?

No, not necessarily, but it sounds like you think you could be pregnant, so you should go see a doctor ASAP and get tested. Do this tomorrow. In addition, start taking prenatal vitamins immediately and stop smoking if you think you could be pregnant and will keep your baby.

The Importance of Vitamins During Pregnancy?

What You Need to Know About Prenatal VitaminsWomen need a number of essential vitamins during pregnancy to assist with the healthy formation of the baby. Although a healthy diet can provide essential vitamins and nutrients, taking a prenatal vitamin ensures that women are getting the health benefits they need. Vitamins during pregnancy should be taken under the direction of a physician, and should be used to supplement a healthy diet and not as a substitute.How Prenatal Vitamins Differ from Other VitaminsPrenatal vitamins contain more folic acid, iron and calcium than regular vitamins. Folic acid is important for preventing birth defects and brain and spinal cord abnormalities. Calcium builds strong bones and teeth for the pregnant woman and the baby. It is also important for circulatory, muscular and nervous system functions. Iron is critical to the development of blood and muscle cells. Some researchers suggest that taking vitamins during pregnancy can reduce the risk of low birth weight.Buying Prenatal VitaminsPrenatal vitamins do not require a prescription and can be bought over-the-counter at pharmacies and health food stores. Although you do not need a prescription, your physician may suggest a particular brand to buy. Women should start taking prenatal vitamins as soon as they find out they are pregnant, or even before for women who desire to become pregnant. Pregnant women should take vitamins throughout their pregnancy, and some doctors may suggest that a woman take prenatal vitamins while breastfeeding.Other Key NutrientsIn addition to taking vitamins during pregnancy, you may also want to take supplements that contain omega-3 fatty acids, which aid in the development of the baby's brain. Vitamin D is also an important nutrient, especially during the final trimester. Some women report suffering from nausea after taking prenatal vitamins. To prevent or reduce the feelings of nausea, it is suggested that women take prenatal vitamins at night, eat a snack when taking vitamins or chew gum after taking the vitamins. Pregnant women should also drink plenty of water, eat a fiber-rich diet and participate in light physical activity approved by a physician.

I am planning to start my family by this year end by when should i start taking prenatal vitamins and which one should i take?

Start taking your prenatal vitamins now. A friend of mine said her doctor had her start taking extrafolic acid 6 months before she conceived. I read that taking prenatal vitamins early can aid in fertility. I know that the benefits of folic acid start at conception. Most women start taking prenatal vitamins around the 3 month of pregnancy, by then the benefit of folic acid have lessened. The nutrients are extremely important during pregnancy and beyond, unfortunately most vitamins we take are not even digested and absorbed by the body. I took Chews4health during my last pregnancy. I have 4 children and took several different types of prenatal vitamins, most made my stomach upset. During my last pregnancy I started taking chews 4 health and it was the most enjoyable pregnancy off all. I was still smiling on delivery day. The best part is Chews offer almost complete absorption My little one now 9 months old is very smart, I believe it is due to the good quality nutrition I was able to give her and continue to give her through nursing. If you are interested in learning more go to http:/

When should you start prenatal care?

As soon as you know your pregnant.

What is the purpose of taking perfect prenatal vitamins?

Prenatal vitamins, are vitamins designed for pregnant women, meaning they may have higher amounts of iron, and folic acid not found in OTC vitamins. They will not harm you and are actually recommended during the time you are trying to conceive and during your 6-8 weeks postpartum.

What vitamins to take to get pregnant?

There are a number of prescription drugs and natural supplements to increase your chances of pregnancy, however for most women it is very likely that they will become pregnant after unprotected vaginal sex, and having more sex increases your chances of prenancy. Having sex with multiple people also increases your chances because then the possibility of infertility in your partner is eliminated.

How soon should you change your diet when your pregnant?

You should stop consuming alcohol, drugs and tobacco immediately. You should start taking a prenatal immediately. Good luck.

Can you take hair vitamins while pregnant?

One is not supposed to take these vitamins while breastfeeding because some of them are made with too much vitamin b and e, which in large doses can be bad and we really don't know how they affect the milk. And also horsetail can be bad as well. All you need is a regular prenatal vitamin and a healthy diet. Wait until after nursing then start taking this vitamin.