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Note please that drug testing takes time so officers need three or four days minimum to send your samples to the laboratory, then for testing itself and then for a receiving the results. So be patient: you can wait up to a week or even two until results will be received.

And if the results will be positive for dome drug they will call you or write a letter about it - not an arrest warrant! You can be asked to repass a drug test, probably it will be hair or sweat path. Or you can ask for a repass by yourself

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Q: When do probation officers tell you if you passed or failed a drug test Do they get a arrest warrant do they call how do i find out about my results with out calling them?
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Can a probation officer arrest you on a magistrate warrant?

In many states, probation officers are sworn law enforcement officers so, yes, they can arrest you on a properly issued warrant.

Do Probation officers always know about a new warrant?

They certainly should, it is part of their job.

What is a probation warrant?

A probation warrant is issued when a person violates the terms of their probation. The warrant is issued by the court and the person must appear to explain their actions to the judge.

Does there have to be a search warrant for a probation search?

If the probation officer is conducting the search then he must be there for it. Every state has its own procedures for conducting searches on their probation clients. Police generally cannot assist probation officers with their search, but probation officers can assist police with theirs. But police must still have a search warrant, while probation officers don't-- IF such search is allowed as part of the subject's condition of the probation. In practice, however, probation officers don't help police with their search because they can easily and unknowingly contaminate the evidence or crime scene. Probation officers' searches generally have a different purpose than police searches. If you're asking if the subject's probation officer must be there to conduct a search, then generally yes, they cannot substitute another probation officer for the subject's assigned PO.

Can you get arrested on a violation of probation warrant a week after the warrant was served?

If it is, in fact, the SAME warrant, it IS possible that, administratively, it was not cleared from the system. If the arresting officers acted"on good faith" that it existed the cour twill dismiss and nullify the second arrest.

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If the offense you were found guilty of when you received your probation sentence was a felony, then your violation will be a felony warrant.

I have an out of state warrant for violation of probation. Probation has expired can I fight from here.?

If you have an out of state warrant for probation vialation, you must present yourself in that state to have it takin care of.

Can a probation officer lift a hold on you if you are in jail with new charges but not yet convicted?

If it is the probation officer's warrant then yes, but they probably will not. If it is the judge's warrant the probation officer cannot.

Does your probation officer have to tell you i have warrant before your next visit?

No. It is your probation officer's responsibilty to have you taken into custody on the warrant when you report. If your officer told you you have a warrant, then you may not report.

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Violation of Probation Warrant

If you have a warrant when you finally get arrested do you have to get on probation?

Probation or jail, or jail and then probation, it depends upon the judge.

Will a probation violation result in a warrant issued?

Possibly. Your probation officer has all the power. If they feel you are a danger to the community they CAN violate your probation and if you fail to come in voluntarly, a warrant will be issued.