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Q: When do reindeer calves begin to grow antlers?
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Do all reindeer have antlers?

Another name for reindeer is caribou, which is what they are called in most of North America. Unlike other types of deer, all reindeer have antlers once they are old enough to grow them.

When do reindeer lose antlers?

All kinds of reindeer grow and lose their antlers: for old males they fall off in December, for young males in early spring, and for females in the summer.

Are all of Santa's reindeer girls?

The only girl is Vixen. The rest are boys. Reindeer girls grow antlers too.

Do just male reindeer just have antlers?

Both males and female reindeer grow antlers, being the only species of the family Cervidae that do so. Male reindeer shed their antlers at the beginning of winter, mid November to late December, while females do not shed their antlers until after delivering fawns in the spring.

Are reindeer carnivores herbivores or omnivores?

reindeer are herbivores like all reindeer/caurabouA reindeer is a herbivore they only eat plants. They are also known as caribou in North America. Both genders grow antlers but males have bigger antlers.

Does baby reindeer have antlers?

No, the antlers do not fully grow until they reach maturity. but they have two lumps for that.

Did the reindeer vixen have antlers?

No, only male deer have antlers although it is extremely rare to have a female deer with antlers. ^^Actually, since all they are REINDEER, they all have antlers. Male and female. But, male reindeer drop their antlers in early winter, while females retain theirs until early spring. So ACTUALLY, all his reindeer are female.

Do deer antlers fall off?

yes all reindeer lose their antlers at this time of year and grow back round spring time

Can a female moose lose antlers?

No. Female or cow moose never grow antlers to begin with, thus they cannot lose them if they cannot grow them.

Do deer antlers grow back?

Yes. When the antlers drop in the winter they begin growing back imediately.

What are the physicals characteristics or reindeer?

Reindeer are quadrupedal mammals that are native to North America, northern Europe, and Siberia. In most reindeer populations, both males and females grow antlers. Antlers typically have lower and upper points. Fur color varies considerably amongst populations and according to the season.

What is reindeer?

Reindeer also referred to as caribou live in North America. They are a type of deer that varies in color and size. Both sexes in most groups will grow antlers.