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A cockerel will start to "practice" mate at about 8 months old with most breeds. They are not real good at it for the first month or so as it take finnese and balance. The male must stand on the hens back or saddle area before mating and most young males cannot master that right off.

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14y ago
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14y ago

If by "roosting" you mean, time of night theyhead for the barn for bed, then the answer to that is about dusk. If you want to know how old they are when they begin to head for the barn on their own, it's pretty much as soon as you move them from their box (where they stayed secluded and "boxed in" as baby chicks - appx. 6 weeks - 2 months old) to their coop/barn...whatever. They just naturally go there when it starts to get dark if you put that box in the barn or coop, they will head for it. (Cut a hole in the side of the box for them to get in & out of for a while, then build them a real roosting box.) We let ours run around the back yard and pasture pretty much all day. They're almost impossible to 'heard' into their coop, so we just go out and shut the door after they go in around dusk. If by "roost" you want to know when they start laying eggs, well ours just now started to lay small, ping-pong ball sized eggs. They are about 4 months old. The only two laying are the Leghorns. We also have Rhode Island Reds, and Americauna's, but neither have started laying yet.

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12y ago

That depends on the breed of rooster you have. Some chicken breeds mature earlier than others.

On average, a cockerel will be fully mature and able to mate with hens at about 10 months old but some breeds will need more time.

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15y ago

A young male chicken (cockerel) matures into a rooster at about a year old.

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7y ago

When well cared for, a rooster can live to be 10 to 12 years old. The term rooster originated in the United States.
Depends on what breed of chicken. Some can live over 20 years.

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12y ago

Pullets (female chicks) and Cockerels (male chicks) are called "Hens" and "Cocks"/"Roosters" when they turn one year old.

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13y ago

At night to sleep.

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13y ago

you will know when it says (GWEN)

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Q: When do roosters start mating with hens?
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Are roosters male hens?

A term rooster is used for the male bird (the hen is a female bird) of certain species . There are chicken roosters and hens, pheasant roosters and hens, turkey roosters and hens etc. Ducks are drakes and hens. Geese are the "Goose and the Gander".

What are similarities between hens and roosters?

Well, hens are girls and roosters are boys...that cover it?

Why do roosters cannibalize hens?

Roosters are not the only ones that do this, in fact it is the hen that will most likely start to eat another dead chicken.

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It is likely that the roosters are aggressive, too rough with the hens, or that there are not hens in ratio to the amount of roosters.

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The amount of roosters needed for breeding hens is about one rooster per ten hens

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Will roosters peck at hens?

Yes they will.

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Is 4 roosters too many for 6 hens?

Better to say 4 roosters is too many for 4 roosters. The 6 hens can wait a bit and soon there will be one rooster a-go-go, one in the hereafter, one running away, and one squating on the ground. The hens could deal with 6 roosters, but the big boy a go-go won't stand for more than him with his flock. actually 1 rooster needs 5 hens to be satisfied other wise roosters will fight One rooster will service (fertilize the eggs of) up to 6 hens. If you have more than 6 hens, you will need another rooster. 4 roosters on 6 hens is not good. The roosters will fight and the hens will be exhausted running from all the roosters.

How do you tell a roster apart from a hen?

Roosters tend to have larger combs, wattles and fancy tails. They crow, hens chirp. Hens tend to be smaller and duller, roosters are bright and cheerful. Hens lay eggs, roosters don't.

What do roosters do that hens don't?

roosters fertilize the eggs but they dont raise the chick