

When do you flush brake fluid?

Updated: 10/27/2022
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14y ago

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It depends on the fluid you are using and how it has been driven. Generally every two to three years. If you buy a bottle of new fluid (DOT4 for newer cars, DOT3 for older cars) and smell it, it will smell much better then fluid in the system that needs to be flushed. "Bad" fluid will smell very pungent. Very dirty fluid should ideally be flushed, but the fluid can get pretty dirty before it "needs" to be flushed. I generally do it once a year just because it's cheap, fairly easy, and helps maintain the most important system in the vehicle.

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A brake fluid flush is designed to remove moisture from the brake fluid. Most cars can be driven many years without this service, only have it done if you know for sure that there is moisture in the fluid or if in the owners' manual they suggest that you have this done at certain times.

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Brake fluid can corrode your water pump. If you didn't start the engine after installing the brake fluid, then pump the reservoir empty, flush it with water and refill it with proper coolant. If you DID start it, you need to flush the whole cooling system.

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Change and flush the transfer case fluid immediately.

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Flush with a lot of water and call a doctor.

When should you flush your brake fluid?

Most UK vehicles, the recommendation period is two years for mineral brake fluid. Silicon fluid should not need changing as it does not absorb water.

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Not an answer - an additional question. My Toyota dealer tells me my brake fluid is dirty (on my newly-acquired 2005 Corolla), and he wants to charge me $175.00 to flush my brake fluid. That strikes me as outrageous! What is involved other than draining fluid and replacing it just like changing the oil? My (non-mechanic) husband asks how the brake fluid can get dirty in the first place. It's not running through the engine like oil does . . (Also he wants $175.00 to flush the transmission . . .)

How do I change my brake fluid?

You should flush and replace the brake fluid in your brake system every two years. You can change your own brake fluid, but service facilities now do this with brake flushing machines. If you find have a brake fluid leak or you have to bleed your brakes, youll have to restore the brake fluid in your master cylinder to its proper level. Here are some things that you should know about buying and using brake fluid

How do you flush powering steering fluid out of brake system?

By bleeding your brakes as you would normally. Just run enough brake fluid through to fill the reservoir 2 times.