

When do you prune a ligustrum?

Updated: 11/22/2022
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Q: When do you prune a ligustrum?
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what is the scientific name for privet?There are four species of privet in east Texas (where I live and work). All are in the genus Ligustrum. The individual species names are as follows Glossy privet (Ligustrum lucidum Ait. F), Japanese privet (Ligustrum japonicumThumb.), Wax leaf ligustrum (Ligustrum quihoui Carr.), and Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinese Lour.).Source: Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines of East Texas by Elray S. Nixon. Second edition, copyright 2000.

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The scientific or taxonomic name would be Ligustrum japonicum, L. sinense, L. lucidum, L. vulgare.

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Is ligustrum texanum poisonous to humans?

yes but only if you eat too much.

Can you - and how do you - prune a Monkey Puzzle Tree?

You can prune it but the symmetrical shape that makes it attractive will be wrecked. If you do prune only tip prune.

Is prune long or short?

Prune is just another word for 'cutting' i.e you cut your hair but prune a plant. So prune is to cut shorter.

What does une prune mean in french?

A plum or a prune

What turns into a prune?

yes a prune is a dried plum

What is prune called in Telugu?

in telugu prune is :all behara :

What is the Hindi word for prune?

'Prune' as noun in Hindi: 'sookhi hui ber' or 'jamun'. As verb: to prune - 'chhantna, anavashyak hissa hatana' or 'katna'.

What are purple prune plums?

A small variety of plum that dries into a prune.