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Q: When do you start feeling better aftr antibiotics treatment has begun to treat lymes disease?
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Why is it important to take a complete courses of antibiotics even after you are feeling better?

to make sure that the disease you have is completely gone and wont come back for time.

What are the side affects of treatment for the bubonic plague?

You get better. In most cases common antibiotics like penicillin are used to treat this disease nowadays. There are a few (10-20) cases in the US every year and there are very few if any fatalities.

The best treatment for an unknown viral disease is?

prevention is better than cure

Do people take time off from work if they have tonsillitis?

Yes! You often need to see a doctor to get antibiotics as well. Once you start antibiotics and take pain killers, you start feeling better after two or three days. Then you may still need rest to recover. If you ask your dr when you go in for treatment, they will have an idea of how much time you need.

After a long period of affliction grandmother is feeling much better now?

a condition of suffering or disease

If you are taking antibiotics and skipped a day will the antibiotics work?

I would suggest that your contact the physician who prescribed you the antibiotics. Antibiotics are prescribed for many conditions and they always must be finished unless otherwise directed by your doctor. People generally feel better within days and think they can stop their antibiotics. Infections can return if you do not finish the prescribed course. Bacteria can develop a tolerance to our antibiotics due to many people not finishing the job. Ask a doctor if taking a probiotic during or after a treatment is okay to get help with digestion during a treatment and restore beneficial bacteria needed in the body.

Why should't doctores over prescribe antibiotics?

Because the organisms that the antibiotics kill (to make you better) evolve resistance to the antibiotics when they are exposed to them. This means that the more the exposure (prescribing) the faster resistance develops. Antibiotics should therefore ONLY be used when really needed and taken EXACTLY as they are meant to. Stopping a dose of antibiotics before a full course of treatment is worse than over prescribing.

What are the objectives of losing weight?

Being healthy Looking good Feeling better and happier Avoiding disease, complications, and loneliness

Why is a patient with tuberculosis often noncompliant with treatment?

Due to the time length of treatment, the patient may stop taking their medication when they start feeling better. It take 12 months to treat.

Is sulfa trimeth used to treat bronchitis?

Not usually, because there are antibiotics that work better. The Sulfas are usually used in the treatment of bladder infections.However, if a patient is allergic to some antibiotics, then Triple Sulfa can be used to treat bronchitis. It is not the 'drug of choice' though.

Can you take bactrim and doxycycline together and at the same time?

You can take two antibiotics if your doctor feels that your infection is serious enough to need them. Remember to take all of the antibiotics even after you start feeling better. You want to kill off all the bacteria and not leave any behind in your body! Remember that antibiotics may give you upset stomach and diarrhea.

Is the gram stain of significant importance in identifying the organisms studied in this exercise?

Yes, the gram stain is very important in microbiology and in the medical field. Gram positive bacteria have a cell wall and respond better to certain types of antibiotics, whereas gram negative bacteria do not have a cell wall (but do have a membrane) and respond better to treatment with other types of antibiotics.