

When do you take the bag off bananas?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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I don't put my bananas in bags. Bananas will ripen with out a bag.

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Q: When do you take the bag off bananas?
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Do bananas ripen faster in a plastic bag or do they ripen faster when not in a plastic bag?

Bananas ripen quickly on their own as they're one of the few fruits that release ethene. Keeping them together in a plastic bag should make them ripen. Keep them away from other fruit that you don't want to go off, and if you want avocados to ripen put them in a brown paper bag with bananas in an airing cupboard.

A newly harvested bunch of bananas is often placed inside a sack and kept in a storeroom why is it done explain how it works?

The bananas are placed in a storeroom in a bag because the bag traps air from coming near the bananas. The peel gives off a special gas that lets them ripen quicker and the gas cannot escape a sealed sack, being absorbed by the bananas. If a green banana is left in the bag its skin will make it ripen quicker as opposed to a banana left on the tree. A banana left in a paper bag with a green tomato will make the tomato turn red in a few days as opposed to left untouched, I love bananas.

How much does a bag of bananas weigh?

A one pound bag weights one pound.

Bananas rot faster?

I am pretty sure bananas will ripen and/ or rot faster if they are contained in something such as a brown bag.

Why do you get bananas from tropical countries?

Because your a sh*t bag.

Will bananas will turn brown faster in a plastic bag?


How do you make face smoother?

first you mush cut bananas then get yogurt and put it on your face. then softly put the bananas on your face. after that take it off after 10-20 min

Does a banana rot faster in a bag?

Yes, because as the fruit ripens, it gives off ethylene oxide gas which speeds up the ripening and consequently the rotting also. When you buy green bananas, putting them in a bag causes them to turn yellow faster.

How many bananas does it take to make an apple?

5 bananas

What is the best way to keep bananas from turning so quickly?

keep it on a plastic bag

Do bananas fall off the tree?

no you pullthem off