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When a reaction takes place at an equal rate in both directions. (:

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Q: When does a chemical reaction reach equilbrium?
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If a reaction has an equilbrium constant just greater than 1 what type of reaction is it?

eerrrr..... errrmmm.... errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. i dont know ask jeeves

What does the value of the equilibrium constant indicate?

When a chemical reaction reach the equilibrium she can not continue spontaneously.

If a reaction does not go to completion but goes to a point where the reactants are being reproduced at the same rate as the products the reaction has reached a state called what?

The equilibrium position.

According to collision theory what best explains how a catalyst increases the reaction rate for a chemical reaction?

A catalyst decreases the threshold energy for a chemical reaction. A catalyst decreases energy required for two particles to react. A catalyst lowers the amount of energy needed to reach the transition state.

What causes atom to react with each other?

A chemical reaction

What chemical is formed in a chemical reaction?

The chemical or chemicals formed in a chemical reaction are called the product of the chemical reaction.

Is an icy hot a chemical reaction or a physical reaction?

Its a chemical reaction.

Is bleach a chemical reaction?

Bleach is a chemical. The process of bleaching something is a chemical reaction.

What is a chemical change also referred to as?

Chemical reaction

What is another term for chemical change?

A chemical change is a chemical reaction.

What is a process that changes one or more new substances?

I think the answer you're looking for is a "Chemical Reaction". For instance, combining Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) and Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) will cause a Chemical Reaction resulting in salt water (NaCl + H20).

How does an engine have a chemical reaction?

Combustion is a chemical reaction.