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Normally they start around the 6 month age bracket. If they are exposed to another female in heat they may start earlier. 6-9 months is the average age. It seems like the smaller breeds start at the earlier ages and the larger breed towards the later months of age.

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Q: When does a miniature pincher start her heat cycle?
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How long for first heat cycle in miniature schnauzer?

They start around 6-8 months of age and a heat lasts 3 weeks. Their heat cycle doesnt run every month like a humans, but every 6 months. (Lucky little things)

How old will a miniature schnauzer be before she starts her period?

Maybe like 3 months old. They start it all the time and its not called a period, its called 'in heat'. A female dog can start their in heat at any time.

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Female dogs go through a heat cycle, called estrus, every six months. She will have proestrus, or a bleeding cycle, before her true heat cycle during which she is very receptive to the advances of male dogs. This heat cycle lasts for several days up to three or four weeks.

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At least a year. Wait until the 2nd heat cycle to breed them to decrease risk of death of health problems.

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