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Two different metals will never form a covalent bond bond between them as both will like to give away extra electrons and will not like to share those extra electrons because octate in outer orbit will not be complete then.

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Q: When does a polar covalent bound typically occurs between two different metal?
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How is an ionic bond related to a covalent bond?

Ionic bonding occurs between a metal and a nonmetal whereas covalent bonding occurs between two nonmetals.

What type of bonds occurs between nonmetals?

Covalent Bonds

What type of bond occurs between two non-metals?

A covalent bond. nonmetal-nonmetal=covalent bond.

Compounds formed between two nonmetals will have which bond?

Covalent Bond occurs between two non metals.

Is covalent non metal?

Covalent bonding occurs between two atoms that are both non metals

What kind of bond results when electron transfer occurs between atoms of 2 different elements?

The kind of bond that results when electron transfer occurs between atoms of two different elements can be considered covalent, polar covalent, or ionic. The type of bond will depend upon the identities of the elements and their electronegativity's.

A covalent bond between two atoms occurs when the atoms?

A covalent bond occurs when there is a large difference in electronegativity between two atoms for example. Fluorine is very electronegative (as it is a non metal) and Hydrogen is not as electronegative. in fact there is a large difference in the electronegativity values. Therefore, a covalent bond occurs.

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Covalent bond

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formation of a covalent bond

If you look at a compound how can you tell if its a covalent or an ionic bond?

You would need to know the chemical makeup of the compound. Ionic bonding occurs between a metal and a non-metal while covalent bonding occurs between non-metals

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Covalent bond