

When does a pregnancy show if it is not your first?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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17y ago

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Every woman is different, but usually you would show earlier than your first. It also depends on how close the pregnancies were. The closer they are together, typically the sooner you would show.

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Q: When does a pregnancy show if it is not your first?
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Usually, a pregnancy will start to show after the first 3 months!

Do you start to show pregnancy earlier if you are over the age of 35 and this is not your first?

No there is no heard and fast rule where your age and pregnancy are concerned.

Is it normal to show at only 11 weeks when this is you first pregnancy?

It will take you three to four months for your belly to show the sign.

How soon can an internal sonogram show pregnancy?

An internal sonogram can show pregnancy as soon as 4 weeks. There will likely show an amniotic sac which is the first to form during pregnancy. Within a week after that you can see the fetus start to form. The heartbeat will likely show around 8 weeks.

In your first month of pregnancy does it show on the pregnancy test?

Fourteen days after intercourse or the day of your expected period.

Can you feel your baby in the first month of conception?

No. It is unusual to show a change in waistline within the first month of pregnancy.

When you are pregnant when do your stomach get hard?

Hello, During your first pregnancy your pregnancy will take longer to become more noticeable. If this is not your first pregnancy and is your second, third, etc then you will usually show earlier. The stomach usually becomes hard around the fourth month or later, into your pregnancy. Once again, it depends whether this is your first or later pregnancy. Multiple pregnancies usually show earlier. Also, if you are overweight or have extra fat on your stomach, this may result in your tummy not feeling hard until you are further along into your pregnancy.

Second pregnancy weight gain?

Every pregnant is different. However, many women claim that they show more in their second or third pregnancy than they did in their first.

If you are realli skinny and you have like a dip past your supposed cut lines will your pregnancy show a lot earlier than usual?

Hello. In a first pregnancy it usually takes longer to show. . . around three months. In a second, third pregnancy etc, you usually show earlier. Some as soon as 8 weeks. But it will only be a slight showing in the tummy area unless its a multiple pregnancy. If you suspect pregnancy then see your doctor for confirmation.

Can a pregnancy test show no results at first but a day later show positive?

No of it had a Awnser it would give you it straight away Good luck x

When is the best time for a pregnant bride to get married?

During the first 3 months of pregnancy, before it starts to show!