

When does a thunderstorm begin?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: When does a thunderstorm begin?
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Does a hurricane begin as a thunderstorm?

Sometimes it does start with thunderstorm.

During which stage of a thunderstorm does rain begin to fall?

The stage of a thunderstorm that rain begins to fall is when the clouds begin to turn black and during and after the lightning strikes.

Does a thunderstorm begin as a tropical disturbance?

No, many thunderstorms occur in temperate climates. A thunderstorm may be part of a tropical disturbance, however.

How does a thunderstorm begin to form?

Three basic ingredients are required for a thunderstorm to form: moisture, rising unstable air (air that keeps rising when given a nudge), and a lifting mechanism to provide the "nudge."

Does a thunderstorm strike a car does a thunderstorm strike on one place how long does a thunderstorm strike?

A thunderstorm does not strike anything, it is "lightening" that does that.

Could you form a sentence with thunderstorm?

Yeah... The thunderstorm caused the power to go out. The thunderstorm startled the dog. The weatherman warned that a thunderstorm was on its way.

What forms a thunderstorm?

The cumulus stage, in which the thunderstorm develops, the mature stage, in which the thunderstorm is most intense, and the dissipating stage, in which the thunderstorm declines and ends.

What stages form a thunderstorm?

The cumulus stage, in which the thunderstorm develops, the mature stage, in which the thunderstorm is most intense, and the dissipating stage, in which the thunderstorm declines and ends.

What does active thunderstorm mean?

An active thunderstorm means that there is currently a thunderstorm in an area indicated. There is probably thunder, lightning, wind, and rain occurring when a thunderstorm is active.

What is an ISO thunderstorm?

ISO (short by Isolated)Thunderstorm

What does a thunderstorm symbolize?

thunderstorm symbolize anything that is in a shock

Is a thunderstorm a geological activity?

No. A thunderstorm is a weather event.