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Lactic acid fermentation takes place in human muscle cells when strenuous exercise causes temporary oxygen shortages.

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9y ago
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9y ago

Fermentation take place in your muscle cell when there is a low supply of oxygen. This is mostly after long hours of workouts which strain the muscles.

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11y ago

your body will use fermentation for energy when it takes a fatty mc fat fat dump on a poodle (primarily pink poodles w/ perm.)

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12y ago

When oxygen is in short supply .

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Q: What does fermentation in the muscles produce?
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During a race how do your muscles produce ATP after the store of ATP in muscles is used?

muscle cells produce ATP by cellular respiration through fermentation

Both lactic-acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation produce what?

They both produce ATP.

What type of fermentation has lactic acid as an end product?

Lactic acid fermentation. This type of fermentation occurs when your muscles need more oxygen for energy, so fermentation gives your muscles a little extra energy.

What type of fermentation takes place in your body muscles?

lactic acid fermentation

What type of fermentation takes place in your muscles when you exercise vigorously?

Lactic Acid Fermentation

What type of fermentation takes place in your muscles during exercise?

Lactic Acid Fermentation

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When does fermentation place in your muscles cell?

Fermentation take place in your muscle cell when there is a low supply of oxygen. This is mostly after long hours of workouts which strain the muscles.

Compare and contrast fermentation that occurs in human muscle cells and in yeast cells?

In yeast cells, the fermentation that occurs is alcoholic fermentation, in which O2 is changed into alcohol. They produce CO2 which is what makes bread rise, and wine and beer. In muscle cells, CO2 is not released as a waste product and the cells produce lactic acid. Have you ever felt a burning sensation in your muscles if you held something heavy with your arm straight? That was your muscles producing lactic acid. Fermentation occurs in muscle cells because they are being worked more with the same amount of oxygenated blood. Therefore they cannot produce ATP with the Kreb's Cycle and have to resort to fermentation (an anaerobic process - meaning without using oxygen) to keep themselves from dying.

Fermentation may occur in a muscle under what type of condition?

If oxygen is not available in the body especially muscle it leads to fermentation in an anaerobic respiration.

What type of organisms benefit from fermentation?

muscles and organs

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