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Gingivitis is distinguished from periodontal disease (periodontitis) by the lack of periodontal attachment loss (PAL).

PAL is determined by measuring the depth of the space between the tooth and gum (sulcus) with a dental probe, and by measuring the distance from the depth of the sulcus to the cemento-enamel junction, the point dividing the clinical crown from the root of the tooth. A probe depth of 3mm or less is typically considered to be normal. The deeper the depth, the more advanced the periodontitis.

Gingivitis is simply inflamed gums with no loss of periodontal attachment. Once there is measurable loss of attachment, it is called periodontitis.

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Q: When does gingivitis become periodontal disease?
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Gingivitis is the mildest form of periodontal (gum) disease. (see

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If you don't treat the early stages of periodontal disease, often called gingivitis, it can lead to full blown periodontal disease. Periodontal disease, itself, can cause tooth decay, tooth loss, and eventually cause for the need of dentures.

What is the most common disease in America?

Gingivitis > leading to Periodontal Disease - is the most common disease in the world.Most people don't know they have it.Read more: How_common_is_gingivitis

Is gingivitis deadly?

Gingivitis, also generally called gum disease or periodontal disease, describes the events that begin with bacterial growth in your mouth & may end, if not properly treated, with tooth loss due to destruction of the tissue that surrounds your teeth.

Can a theeth x ray tell your dentist that you smoke?

Technically, no x-ray of the teeth can tell your dentist if you smoke or not. But... X-rays will show signs of bone loss which is most likely due to periodontal disease. Periodontal disease has two types; gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums and is reversible with professional dental care and improved dental hygiene. Periodontitis is inflammation of the gums that results in loss of the bone that supports the teeth and is only remedied by professional dental care. Periodontal disease has long been associated with smoking, meaning people who smoke are more likely to have or develop periodontal disease. Because you smoke doesn't necessarily mean that you HAVE periodontal disease; smoking has been shown to increase the severity and speed of onset of periodontal disease.

What is the most non contagious disease in the world?

Tooth decay The most common noncontagious disease is periodontal disease, such as gingivitis or inflammation of the gums. Gum disease is the most common disease in the world, and poor oral health is generally recognised as an indicator of social deprivation.

Can babys get periodontal disease?

Babies do not typically get periodontal disease. If they have teeth, they may get a condition called gingivitis (inflammation of the gums). This is easily corrected by wiping the inside of the baby's mouth with a damp cloth after each meal to remove remaining food debris.If you are concerned, take the baby to a pedodontist (dentist who specializes in dental care of children).

How can periodontal disease be prevented?

Most forms of periodontal disease can be prevented with good dental hygiene