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Signal w/ your right hand in the upper L posistion. also check and see if you have the right-a-way. And no cars are coming.

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Q: When driving on a road with a bike lane you should only turn right after you what?
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When there is a bike lane adjacent to the lane you are driving in you can't merge into the bike lane to make a right turn true or false?


If you are continually being passed on the right and the left while driving in the center lane of a three-lane freeway you should?

you should safely change to the right lane

When driving in the far right lane you should expect?

merging vehicles at on ramp

Who has the right of way when a motorist enters a bike lane to make a right turn the motorist or the bicyclist?

Since the bike lane is assigned to the bicyclist, they always have the right of way in their lane. If you need to move to the right to make a right turn, you must yield to any bikes in the bike lane.

If you are driving in the far right lane on the freeway and see a 'merge' signyou should?

Merge into the nearest left lane when it is safe to do so.

When turning right from a four-lane highway to another four-lane highway you should?

When driving on a four lane highway or freeway you should use the right hand land or 'thru lane' except when passing. If the right hand lane is designated for slower traffic or for exiting traffic, you'd use the lane to the left of it.

Suppose you are driving on a four lane highway from which lane should you turn Into which lane should you turn?

Always turn in to the lane closest to you (e.g. making a right turn onto a highway you should turn into the right lane).Turning from the highway depends upon which you are going, if left turns are premitted (some require left turns from the right lane only) So you must check the rules for that particular road. Unless there are other vehicles trying to come on to the intersection then you should just simply move to the left.

What does driving on right side of road mean?

Driving in the proper lane. In the United States this means driving in the lane that is on the right (---->) side of the road from the driver's perspective.

What do you do when there is a bike lane at an intersection?

Bike Lanes at Intersections Slow down, look for and yield to any bicyclists in the bike lane. Signal your turn prior to crossing through the bike lane at the dashed striping. Yield to any bicyclist. Complete the turn from the designated right turn lane. If there is no right turn lane, after first checking to make sure that no bicyclists are present, you may merge into the bike lane at approaches to the intersection or driveway (all of the above)

When driving slower than the flow of traffic?

When you are in a country that drives on the right, then generally you should drive in the right lane; the left lane is for passing. When you are in a country that drives on the left, then generally you should drive in the left lane; the right hand lane is for passing only.

When driving on the highway you should always drive in the right lane pass on the left and move back to the right lane when clear?

Yes, when driving on the highway you should always drive in the right lane pass on the left and move back to the right lane when clear. However, on some highways there are more than 3, 4, 5, 6 lanes in both directions. So it depends on what highway and how the lanes are marked.

What should you do when preparring to turn right on a roadway with a bike lane in Florida?

Yeild to bicicleists and turn safeley if the way is safe