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Q: When granite is changed by heat and pressure it becomes what metamorphic rock?
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How can granite change into metamorphic without changing into sedimentary?

Granite becomes metamorphic by being subjected to immense heat and pressure, turning into gneiss.

What rock comes after granite Is subjected to enough heat and pressure in the rock cycle?

When granite is subjected to enough heat and pressure, it becomes a metamorphic rock called gneiss.

What is the def Metamorphic rock?

Metamorphic rock is rock that has changed as a result of constant heat, pressure, or both. One good example is granite.

Granite changes to?

Granite will be changed to gneiss after a metamorphic event.

Is granite is a igneous sedimentary or metamorphic?

the granite melts into lava then cools becoming igneous. it erodes into sediment and then gets compressed into a sedimentary rock. the sedimentary rock becomes metamorphic with heat and pressure deep within Earth

What metamorphic rock does granite turn into after heat and pressure?

Granite will become gneiss.

What is a metamorphic rock that forms from directed pressure?


The most common charactristic of metamorphic rock is?

The only real characteristic that metamorphic rocks share is that they are formed by heat and pressure. Granite warps and twists and becomes schist; shale is compressed and heated and becomes slate... etc.

How could granite become a metamorphic rock?

Metamorphisism (heat and pressure)

What rock does granite form from heat and pressure?

The ONLY rock that Granite forms is the metamorphic rock Gneiss. Granite is the parent rock of Gneiss.

How can granite change to metamorphic without changing into sedimentary?

Through heat and pressure

What did Mimi say when she heard that a Peace of granite had been changed into metamorphic?

That's gneiss