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Laws differ from state to state. In this case you should contact the police to find out about the law regarding proof of insurance, but if insurance information wasn't available at the time of the collision, you may as turn the collision in to your insurance, since the other driver probably isn't insured.

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Q: When in an auto accident and the police are called and the party that was at fault and does not have his insurance information with him how long does he have to get this information to the officer.?
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Is there something called Accident Only Insurance?

Yes, there is a such thing as Accident only Insurance coverage. Accidental only insurance coverage covers any accident that leads to injuries that result to loss of limps, eye sight or life.

If you rear-ended another car but the police were not called can the other driver demand money for repairs or your insurance information?

Yes. In a rear end accident, the liability is still there even if police are not called.

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Just file a claim with the other parties insurance company. You called the police and got an accident report, right?

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What is the definition of Personal Injury Insurance?

you need to look into : life protection insurance, accident insurance (will cover personal injury)to cover yourself against an accident you need to look for an accident insurance.There is no PERSONAL INJURY INSURANCE. its called different.Personal Injury InsurancePersonal injury insurance is an insurance provided to ensure that should you suffer an accident or injury, you are paid a lump sum to ease the financial burden in the event.Personal injury covers a number of accidents and injuries. There is a distinct difference between personal injury insuranceand a personal injury claim.In effect, personal injury insurance is the same as Accident, Sickness and Unemployment (ASU) insurance.

If you were in an accident at eight and bought insurance at eleven are you still covered?

Not really. There is something called a "binder", where you are covered with a phone call. But if you are in an accident, you really can't buy insurance three hours later and expect them to pay the damages.

If there is an accident and neither party gets a ticket who is responsible for what?

It depends on a few factors, like what state you live in and whether the police were called to do a report. If there is a report, the officer will have found someone at fault, regardless of whether someone was ticketed. Your insurance company can also determine fault based on your state's laws and they way in which the accident occurred.

What happens if someone ran a stop sign and hit me but I didn't have insurance on my car do they pay?

You should have called a police officer to the scene where they would have determined who's fault it was. If they ran a stop sign chances are their insurance will have to pay for it. However, if you didn't call police to the scene you may be left to pay for the accident yourself.

Do you have to pay a person if you get into an accident and you both exchange info but the cop's are not called?

You notify your insurance agent and he takes care of it, if its your fault. If you don't have insurance, you probably have to pay.

Will your health insurance cover medical expenses if you are injured in a car accident?

As with anything regarding health insurance, it depends. Generally speaking, in an auto accident the question about medical benefits is secondary to providing the best care for the accident victim. After the emergency has passed is the time for figuring out who pays for the medical expenses. Often health insurance is asked to pay first. However, health insurance companies have a program called "subrogation" that seeks to ensure that the responsible party pays for their share of expenses. In the case of a car accident, typically the auto insurance will be primary and should pay medical expenses first. During the process of subrogation the health insurance provider will contact the auto insurance provider and negotiate who should pay the bills. See for additional information.