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No......anything you eat or drink doesn't touch the baby because your stomach and uterus aren't connected. Castor oil is not recommended for inducing labour though, because it can cause vomiting and diarrhea and is also proven to not be effective at inducing labour.

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Q: When inducing labor with Castor oil does it cover the baby in a thick layer of grease?
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Where can you buy castor oil to induce your labor?

You should not induce labor. Only a qualified obstetrician is knowledgeable enough to be the one that jumpstarts the process. If your body isn't already in labour, there is a reason for this, probably because it isn't ready. Please don't take this into your own hands. Castor oil often just causes vomiting and diarrhea, which isn't something you want during labour. It is also proven not to be effective at inducing labour.

Will castor oil make your water break?

Castor oil is a laxative and can cause cramping that can induce labor. Castor oil is not advised to be used by pregnant women.

You are 36weeks and 3days will castor help induce your labor?

yes, castor oil on scrambled eggs will help to induce labor. (I know because my Mom was overdue & she tried it and it worked !!! )

Is castor oil can abort a 4 month old fetus?

Castor oil can not be used for abortion. It can induce pregnancy when you have gone past week 40 but then always under control so the fetus does not defecate in the womb. If you try this you would get diarrhea and that's it. See a doctor abort a surgical abortion.

What to do in to going in to labor?

In general, labor is not induced in horses because of serious complications and a lack of a predicable effect of labor-inducing drugs.

Will castor oil help abort a baby at 5weeks?

No. Castor oil can in some cases help start labor when you are fully gone.

Can you use castor oil for labor pain?

Yes it is normal to get lower back pain, after drinking castor oil to go into labbor.

I'm 36 wks. I took 4oz of castor oil last night at 930 it's been 12 hours. I was on the toilet all night but no contractions. is there a chance it will still work how long before i go in labor?

Although there is little scientific, peer-reviewed data to support the claim that castor oil can hasten the onset of labor, there is plenty of anecdotal information that it does. Many childbirth professionals attest to its efficacy. However, inducing labor is not something to do before week 40. I understand that you want to get the show on the road, but you're rushing things.

Can virgin caster oil induce labor?

While castor oil can technically induce labor, it isn't recommended. Castor oil can cause dehydration and other unpleasant side effects, such as nausea and vomiting.

What do they give horses to go in labor?

In general, labor is not induced in horses because of serious complications and a lack of a predicable effect of labor-inducing drugs.

What are somethings you could do to make active labor start?

You can use castor oil.

Will jasmine tea make a woman go into labor?

I've never heard of inducing labor through tea, but... who knows, I guess that since there are certain chemicals that can induce labor (i.e. Castor oil, or natural oxytocin) but I think that only rose-hip tea has castor, and only sexual means (usually via intercourse or nipple stimulation) causes oxytocin releases... My guess is that jasmine tea'd be fine, but one would need to consult their doctor (OB-GYN, family dr, etc...) first. There are certain herbs that should be avoided during pregnancy but jasmine is not one. Raspberry leaf tea is traditionally drank to help contractions but it does not induce labor in itself. Castor oil works by stimulating the bowel by causing diarrhea, the motions of which can stimulate the cervix into contracting.