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Q: When installing a processor how do you know how to insert the processor so that is not off 90 degrees or inserted backward?
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A right angle contains how many degrees?

Measured in degrees a right angle is 90 (or 270 - if you are measuring backward).

Does 0 degrees C equal -273K?

Nope … you have it backward. 0 Centigrade equals (plus) 273 degrees Kelvin.

Needle should be inserted at what angle for blood draw?

30 degrees or less.

How should an oropharyngeal airway be inserted in an adult patient?

upside down and turned 180 degrees over the tongue

What is the maximum temperature of an Intel processor?

The maximum temperature of an Intel processor varies by the type of processor and the chassis of the computer. Many of the Intel processors however, will send a message to the motherboard to shut the computer down if the temperature goes over 100 degrees Celsius.Ê

How do you test a turkey for doneness?

A meat thermometer inserted in the meatiest part of the thigh reads 180 degrees to 185 degrees. The turkey juices run clear. The drumsticks move up and down easily.

What is the North Pole and South Pole in degrees on all globes?

You can find both poles at 90 degrees. It's also possible that the poles are marked by pins inserted in the globes so that the globes can rotate. The degree designation is: 90 degrees N for the North Pole and 90 degrees S for the South Pole.

What degree angle should the needle be inserted when performing needle thoracentesis?

About a right angle (90 degrees) to the chest, intercostal, into the pleural lining and not into the lung.

How many degrees should you cook lamb in the oven?

gas oven 130 degrees for an hour and halfMore information:Lamb should be cooked until the internal temperature is 75 degrees Celsius or 181 degrees Fahrenheit, tested with a meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the meat, not touching bone. The oven should be set at about 160° C (325° F)

My mother always cooked a ham in a paper bag without a sweet glaze. How does one do this?

This is the recipe from a meat processor. Cook the ham at 250 degrees in the paper bag for 8 hours, + or - depending on size of ham, or internal temp of 160 degrees.

How do you select heating function when baking a cake?

When baking a cake temperature usually ranges from 350 to 375 degrees for 40 to 45 min or when toothpick or knife inserted comes out clean.