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As soon as they begin responding to their name. The sooner the better.

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Q: When is a good age to potty train?
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Is 2 years old a good age to potty train?


When is good to potty train a girl?

start as soon as you can

At what age should you try to potty train child?

Most children are ready to be potty trained between 22 and 30 months of age but every child is different.

I was thinking about getting a Royal Dandy pet pig I was wondering if they make good pets and if you can potty train them?

yes you can potty train them they pretty much act like dogs if you train them right.

What do you think about diapers for kids age 12?

A child should be potty trained at the age of 2 so therefore if your child is still wetting themselves at age 12 then maybe you should potty train again

Is a shihtzu hard to potty train?

Well to potty train a shih tzu it is really hard bc if u buy a mattt then they will.......then they won't

What age should you potty train kids?

i say earliest is 10 years old and the latest is never

How do you potty train a guinea pig Is it possible and Is it easy to teach him?

yes you can potty train a guinea pig and it is so easy to train them but you have to be patient. if you would like to see how to potty train a guinea pig then go on you tube and type in how to potty train a guinea pig and you can see all you need to know

Can you potty train a horse?


How will I know when my child is ready for potty training?

You can start trying to potty train your child by about 2 yrs old. The child should be completely trained about 2 1/2 years of age.

Is it possible to potty trains cows?

No, you cannot potty train cows.

Is all dog potty train?

you mean are all dogs potty trained? Then no.