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The repressor protein blocks the genes from making mRNA.

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Q: When is gene expression blocked in the lac operon system?
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Why lac operon the gene expression is switch off?

explain the regulation of gene expression in lac operon.

Who was the operon model of the regulation of gene expression in bacteria was proposed by?

In 1961 Jacob and Monod proposed the operon model of gene regulation

What is involved in regulating gene expression in prokaryotes but not in eukaryotes?

The regulation of gene expression allows prokaryotic cells, such as bacteria, to better respond to stimuli and to conserve energy and materials

Molecules that interact with DNA to alter gene expression are?

Transcription factors are molecules that interact with DNA to regulate gene expression by binding to specific DNA sequences. These proteins can promote or repress the transcription of target genes by influencing the recruitment of the transcriptional machinery. Additionally, epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation and histone acetylation, can also alter gene expression by affecting the accessibility of the DNA to transcription factors and RNA polymerase.

What does the operon model attempt explain?

The operon model attempts to explain how genes are regulated in prokaryotic cells. It describes how genes are grouped together into operons, which are clusters of genes that are transcribed together as a single mRNA molecule. The model also explains how the expression of these operons is controlled by regulatory elements such as promoters, repressors, and activators.

What is the lac operon in E. coli a classic example of?

gene expression occurring at transcription

How prokaryotes control gene expression?

The operon often controls the transcription of prokaryote genes.

When a group of gene pairs act together?

When a group of gene pairs act together, they can have a synergistic effect where their combined action results in a greater impact than each gene individually. This coordinated action is essential for many biological processes, such as development, metabolism, and response to environmental stimuli. Dysregulation of gene pairs working together can lead to disease or abnormal phenotypes.

What region of the operon does the repressor bind to?

I assume you mean the lac operon. The repressor binds upstream of the gene(s) in the regulatory gene region.

The operon segment composed of the gene that codes for a protein repressor is called the?

The operon segment composed of the gene that codes for a protein repressor is called the regulatory gene. This gene produces the repressor protein that can bind to the operator region of the operon, preventing transcription of the structural genes when the repressor is bound.

What is the beginning of a gene is signaled by a region of DNA?


What information is coded by the structural gene of the operon?

The structural gene of an operon codes for a specific protein or enzyme. This gene contains the information needed to synthesize a functional protein that carries out a particular biological function.