

Best Answer
  1. when your head hurts.
  2. when you are drinking. you should take it when you are going to the Doctor or when you are having a baby.
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Q: When is it not a good time to take vinegar?
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Is vinegar good for brushing teeth?

No. Vinegar is an acid, and acids will damage the enamel of the tooth over time.

How do you take care seashell?

wash them in vinegar to make them shine for a long time

Is rice vinegar good for you?

Yes its good for you, it has rice, and vinegar

Is black vinegar good for you?

no. black vinegar doesn't contain alcohol. it's take alcohol content to make you drunk.

Will vinegar help with drug testing?

no. once drugs are in your bloodstream, there is nothing that can take them out but time.

Is vinegar good for pastillage?

Pastillage dries much better with vinegar is present because it is an acid. Pastillage without it would take about twice as long without it.

Would vinegar destroy a penny and how long would it take for it to do so?

Vinegar can destroy almost anything within a certain time frame, to destroy a penny it will take up to a few milliseconds

Why is vinegar good at cleaning?

Vinegar is good at cleaning because it is a weak acid.

How do you change Nissan March brakes?

Spray them down with vinegar. They should be loose after a period of 30 minutes. Detach them from the vehicle. Spray them down, vinegar will eat away after so long. Do not take time. Soak them in alcohol (non-drinkable), for six hours. They will be good as new.

Is vinegar a good decalcifier for espresso machines and if so what ratio of vinegar to water is best?

no the vinegar will not go good with the espresso, the vinegar will bublle just like with baking soda.

Is rice vinegar a good fish marinade?

Rice vinegar is good for salads, fish, & liver

What reaction do nails and vinegar create?

If referring to the effect of vinegar on finger and toe nails, vinegar is used to cure fungus. It can also weaken the enamel of the nail due to the acidity of the liquid.