

When is potential energy 0?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: When is potential energy 0?
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Why does a book on a high shelf have more potential energy than on a low shelf?

Since potential energy equals mgh. When h, height increases potential energy also increases. If h is 0 then p.e is 0/

If an object's mechanical energy is equal to its potential energy how much kinetic energy does it have?

Mechanical Energy= Potential energy+ Kinetic energy, so for the mechanical energy to be equal to be potential energy, the kinetic energy must be 0.

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Potential energy has to be defined within a frame of reference (much like motion is relative). So if you define "the ground" as 0 gravitational potential energy, then anything sitting on the ground will have 0 potential energy. There is really no such thing as an "absolute potential energy" anymore than there is a body that is absolutely stationary (at rest, 0 kinetic energy, without regard to frame of reference). All motion is relative, as is potential energy.

The type of energy a ball has when you hold it above the ground?

Potential energy is a stored energy due to the gravity and height above the ground. In physics the formula for potential energy is: PE = mgy where m = mass (kg), g = acceleration due to gravity (m/s^2), y = height (m) What if there is no height? Well, by simply letting y = 0 and multiplying 0 to m and g, we get PE = 0. Therefore potential energy does not exist and shows it is only present when the object has a height above the ground.

The potential energy of a pendulum is least?

When it's at the bottom && it's 0

Does a man possess potential energy?

Potential energy can be calculated by the equation U ( which is the potential energy) = mgh, where m is hte mass, g is gravity, and h is the height of the object above the point where h=0 (often the ground). So, as long as h does not equal zero (imagine the man sandin on a cliff above sea leve, which is h=0) then he will have potential energy.

Is chemical energy kinetic energy or potential energy?

It is a form of potential energy.

Where does the pendelum posses the highest potential energy?

At it's highest point where it begins to come back down. It has 0 kinetic energy, so that is when it has the most potential.

What is the two forms of energy?

Kinetic energy (energy of motion) and potential energy (stored energy) A ball at the top of a building getting ready to be dropped has potential energy, but a ball falling has kinetic energy If the ball is at the top of the building, it has 100% potential and 0% kinetic and when it is halfway from top to bottom and falling it has 50% of each

What form of potential energy does a person blowing a vuvuzela have?

chemical potential energy

River water held behind a dam i sbest described as a form of kinetic energy chemical energy entropy thermodynamics or potential energy?

A dam holding water is potential energy. Kinetic energy requires motion. The general formula for kinetic energy is: Ekinetic = ½m·v² If there is no movement, velocity (v) is 0.

What is the gravitational potential energy of a chalk lying on the floor?

Potential energy always depends on the reference level (it must be specified in relation to something). If you use the ground as your reference level (as is usual), then height = 0, so the potential energy is also zero.