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In Arizona, it is best to drain your pool in the Winter. You might be wondering, why shouldn't I drain my Arizona pool in the summer?

The answer to that is that if you drain your pool during the hot, dry Arizona summer months, you risk causing expensive damage to your swimming pool. The floor of the pool can crack due to the heat and lack of moisture. Draining your Arizona pool in the summer is also bad for the desert environment where water is scarce. The pool water that is drained out will mostly evaporate instead of being used to water the lawn or other plants on the property.

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Q: When is the best time to drain your pool in Arizona?
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Trick question. The pool is empty but the drain is open. With an open drain, the pool will never fill, unless the water entering exceeds the water draining.True,-----------> 20 hours

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You could drain your pool and have it cleaned. Or just have a pool cleaner clean it for you. And next time use chlorine to prevent larvae from hatching in your pool.

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Drain some water out, a little at a time, and add fresh water.

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You can. but you should not leave an in ground pool empty for any period of time. Ground water building up around it is capable of even lifting an empty concrete pool out of the ground.

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There is really no best time for repair unless you are basing this on weather conditions. then you would want to repair your pool before severe rain or winter conditions and also in time for you to use the pool in warm weather.

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Drain it with a sump pump (you can rent one cheap) as for saving the liner it is kind of a craps shoot sometimes they stay in place and sometimes they move before pool is empty. Try draining it 1/2 way and see if that makes it possible to repair that has worked for me in the past, but they are usually are not savable I've worked on pools for 10 years and most of the time we drain an above ground pool the liner has to be replaced. Good Luck

What do you do when the pool drain keeps seeping when the pool is emptied for painting?

put a small pump down in the drain "little giant" is one brand that works they dont seem to mind running dry some DO NOT stop up the valve in the drain your pool will float and be destroyed First of all don't paint your pool you are creating a maintanance nightmare for yourself.Yes put a pump at the bottom to pump the water out and place a brick over the dew drain to keep out groundwater, Only do this in the dry time of year, rainy season or winter or you could float your pool.

How often should you drain an inground swimming pool if it is kept running year round?

If the pool is kept in pristine condition throughout the year, you should never have to drain it. If you do want to drain it, drain it every ten years or so. (You run a risk of damaging your pool by draining it.) A: Not all the above answer is exactly correct. Through evaporation and refilling the pool you accumulate minerals that cannot be filtered out. Another factor is that of your water make up or fill water. If it is hard water that may didctate just how often you pool is drained. SO, on the average, lets say, in California, you may drain your pool about every 8 to ten years. A clue on when to drain is - when you start to have a very difficult time trying to balance the chemistry including the chlorine then it is time to think about draining and refilling the pool. The only risk is if you drain or try to drain a pool after prolong rains or is you are aware of how high the "water table" is in your area. In order to get that info you may have to call your water district and ask them. "high water tables" make draining a pool a dicy situation. The result of an empty pool during these conditions is usually a pool that will float out of the ground. It will act like a bath tub or a boat ...even if it is made out of steal reinforced cement. Improved answer: The 2nd answer up there is actually more correct that the first. You do definitely need to drain your pool at some point. We in the pool industry recommend every 5-7 years. That's only because in that amount of time the water does get too complex and the chemicals stop working. The chemicals will register that they are present but they ARE NOT WORKING. I tell my customers to think of it this way, think of all the chemicals added to the pool over the years, add on all the people scum, urine, pets, dead animals all the dirty things that can end up in your pool. Do you want to swim in that after more than 7 years? No that's gross, and your water will be gross, it needs to be drained every 5-7 years. It doesn't harm your pool to drain it. To leave it drained yes then your pool will be ruined. Remember to watch the water table or amount of moisture in the ground because the chance of a pop out is much greater. If you have questions about these things contact a local pool contractor or company. Not a retail location because their main focus is to sell, not service.

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