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After the doxology during the eucharistic prayer. Or more simply, after the priest says "Through him, with him, in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit all glory and honour is yours almighty Father, forever and ever".

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Q: When is the great amen in mass?
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Is the Great Amen in the Catholic Mass sung louder than other parts of the Mass?

I've never really payed so much attention to the volume of the singing, but from what I can think of, the volume of The Great Amen is the same as other parts of the mass.

What is the Great Amen in Mass?

The Great Amen marks the end of the consecration and is accompanied by the priest elevating the consecrated host and wine and reciting the the Doxology. The congregation responds with Amen to affirm their belief of the real presence of Jesus Christ in the bread and wine.

When is the celebration?

The Celebration of the Eucharist (properly called the Liturgy of the Eucharist or Mass of the Faithful) is celebrated during Mass; the portion of the Mass called the Liturgy of the Eucharist or Mass of the Faithful is from the Presentation of the Gifts until the Great Amen.

Who added amen to the Our Father?

All our prayers end with "Amen" . However, at Mass we do not say Amen as the prayer continues until "thine is the kingdom.."

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What do we say when we receive the body of christ at mass?


What is the most important response of the Mass?

The Great Amen when the congregation asserts its belief that Jesus Christ is now present on the altar under the forms of bread and wine.

What is the great amen in communion or the eucharist?


What does the priest say after he makes the sign of the cross at the beginning of mass?

I think its 'Amen". I haven't been to church in ages, but it seemed to go "In the name of the Father , the Son and the Holy Ghost, Amen".

What are the lyrics to Amen as sung by Sidney Poitier in Lilies of the Field?

Amen lyrics – from The Lilies of the Field Amen, amen, amen, Sing it over 1 See the little baby wrapped in a manger on Christmas morning Amen, amen, amen 2 See Him in the temple talkin' with the elders who marveled at His wisdom Amen, amen, amen 3 See Him at the Jordan where John was baptizin' and savin' all sinners Amen, amen, amen 4 See Him at the seaside talkin' to the fishermen and makin' them disciples Amen, amen, amen 5 Marchin in Jerusalem over palm branches in pomp and splendor Amen, amen, amen 6 See Him in the garden prayin' to His Father in deepest sorrow Amen, amen, amen 7 Led before Pilate then they crucified Him but He rose on Easter! Amen, amen, amen 8 Hallelujah! He died to save us and He lives forever! Amen, amen, amen

Can I get an amen?


Put the parts of the Mass in order prayer over the gifts consecration Our father entrance epistle communion rite Eucharistic prayer gospel great amen holy holy holy?

Entrance Rite Epistle Gospel Prayer over the Gifts Holy Holy Holy Eucharistic Prayer Consecration Great Amen Our Father Communion Rite